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Meanwhile, I went to my secret lair, a deep underground gallery at the base of the dam. My wyverns accompanied me, as did my artist aunt. Kratos kept a watchful eye on the area and I didn't trust anyone - well, rather the Lich, whose unpronounceable name kept escaping me. Vechenatte? Vernat? Grr. Yes.. Vechna..

She had some interesting tormenting and howling spirits. especially as they were invisible to mortals. Banshee! (Or White Ladies according to tradition)

Well, I say Elle for a Liche, but it's a male Liche. Well, he was male when he was alive, sir. I should call him Squelettor, that would be easier but I doubt he'd appreciate it!

In fact, all these monsters were 'sticking' to me and I knew that sooner or later they would turn against me, the day I denigrated my status as Demon Lord.

I didn't show it, but I was terrified. I wanted to cry and run away to a hole in the deepest volcano where the lava would protect me... but not from Squelettor and his ghosts... they'd get past Alpha's crust and suck out my soul, even if I was sheltering on an island of rock surrounded by magma.

I didn't want to die. I didn't want to die any more. I wanted to fly, to be free, to be a bird! and to shit on the heads of all those idiots, assholes and rat-faced bastards. I wanted to chew them up and spit them out so they'd get off my back and stop seeing their ugly faces smiling hypocritically at me.

And to hell with the Earthlings and their military. When I'm gone, they'll just have to deal with it. I can imagine the marines stuck on a tower with hordes of monsters wanting to climb up and watch them machine-gun, throw bombs and explosives in endless carnage while I'm on a rock in the sun with my females crawling at my feet to ask me a favour and have little wyverns climbing on me admiring their daddy and enjoying an innocent life again, far from these worries.

The seat was a sort of immense quartz surrounded by coils of copper pipes cooled by pressurised water from the dam.

Large lamps with rheostats were used to adjust the many amperes and an oscillator was used to transform the alternating current into a high-frequency current.

It was a sort of inductor, and the quarter, a huge radio transmitter.

So I was sitting on a sort of galena set, but I didn't want to do amateur radio... The quartz was a kind of crystallised mana crystal.

And the radio waves... they were artificial mana.

So I had an infinite source of mana that I could exploit. That's how I transmuted products, parts and anything else that could contribute to the rapid construction of my weapons, otherwise it would have been impossible with the best will in the world.

One of my favourite spells was 'cloning' and then 'transmutation'. Even if one day I was no longer a Demon Lord, I'd still know how to use these spells.

In fact, I'd noticed that all runes in magic were based on logical functions used in programming, with the implementation of fields and alternative dimensions, a bit like complex numbers where I indicated the location of runes in magic and the result was the manifestation of that magic.

So all I had to do was see a spell cast once to analyse it, copy it and modernise it.

And all the magicians were making blunders, aberrations and wasting energy by using keys or runes that contradicted each other without knowing why or how.

That was what made me so fearsome and more powerful than the enchantress. I didn't really have more powers than her, but I knew how to optimise power at least four times better than she did.

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