Foolish Decisions

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The day after the carnage, the population mourned their dead and graves and pyres were erected all around the city.

There were at least 500 dead, a hundred in the palace and the rest from the fighting of the assassins, the guards among themselves.

The people hoped, but what had happened was even worse.

A huge black dragon was in the castle and no one dared to go there.

Romas had to intervene to get the staff in and start cleaning up the carnage.

The Old Man became my de facto "Sage" and his team began to write letters to the various kingdoms.

They were informed of the tragedy and the assassination of the royal family and were invited to come to the national funeral followed by the enthronement of Chlorophyll as the new Empress.

The fact that she had become the New Witch of the East was hidden. An enchantress

not a half-wit, nor a fake like her mother-in-law.

Chlorophylle would not leave her room or go away from me. She was afraid of assassins and had not yet mastered her powers.

She was always clinging to me and... it turned me on!

"Mir... I am afraid... Mir.. don't leave me..Mir... Mir... Mir... She wouldn't shut up so... I moved my mouth closer (I had reduced my body size to 2 meters, so, 5 meters from head to tail..) And she stared at my eyes and closed them.

My tongue went straight into her mouth and she was greeted by hers.

My saliva drove her crazy and she pressed herself against me.

"Mir... Mir... I love you!"

But this was neither the time nor the place and I put her back on her bed.

"Not again, Princess!"

She pounced on me again, and I waited for her to calm down, and it was then that The Heroes entered the room, but knocking on the open door.

She pulled herself together, thinking about the traditional 7 day mourning period. After that she would be crowned the new empress and that was when the whole future of the empire would be decided.

I instructed Zalar to recruit the poor and destitute as guards. The orphans would come to live in the palace which would be converted into an orphanage, boarding school and academy.

Romas pointed out to me that it was up to the empress to give orders.

"Romas, Chlorophyll is MY princess! And there is no more empire. This is my territory and my kingdom now!"

"You... so you are the Demon Lord!!! the real.."

"Romas... there are many and there always have been... It's a game to amuse the gods... except that I'm a realist, a scientist... an alchemist if you will... "

"How do you expect the people and the nobles to follow you?"

"Romas, at first it won't be easy...there's the "soft" way and the "hard" way...basically, here it's the soft way and I'm putting away Felicius' toys... I'm a wyvern but not a sadistic butcher like the emperor. I kill to eat and I let the prey live. I never kill for sport or pleasure. They killed for power and pleasure."

Romas: "And the hard one? "

"I invoke and call upon the four Devas, the demon generals of the four tribes: Humanoids, Bestials, Undead and Infernals."

Then Romas had to retreat because of Zalar who was swallowing his grief...

"Demon Lord Mir. Can you bring Argus back to life? Or give him a body?"

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