Tsar Bomba

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In the afternoon, I worked with Auntie and my sisters on a missile in a silo with radio guidance coupled in parallel with mana stone guidance. All a goblin or monster had to do was place the emitter on the target, such as an arrow or a galena emitter, and the detector lamps in the missile would guide it along an xy axis. Z being ballistics, corrected by XY coordinates. Very easy with steppers and a pulse lamp.

As there are no other radio transmissions, the signal is clear and there's no need for filters or electronics to sort the signals.

On the head, the plutonium core and around it a spherical shaped charge explosive. Destined to implode rather than explode.

The metal tip was closed, and I whistled to myself just thinking of those who would receive this suppository.

It was about ten meters high and had a range of around 2000 km, enough to hit all my neighbors.

My spies already had transmitters everywhere and a radio to receive instructions.

Then I mobilized a large part of the army and trucks loaded with rocket launchers, 3-4 V2 (basic scud) launchers stuffed with mustard gas, 2 tanks and 2 flamethrower tanks.

5000 men and a truck carrying the anti-magic sphere.

3 zeppelins and 100 harpies and 100 imps loaded with grenades.

Orcs with machine guns and we headed west.

A medical team also followed. The rest protected the capital while Vidocq prepared for the arrival of the military module with men loyal to him, the rest assigned to training and developing the city and modifying the colonization program.

We were going to keep the capital intact and improve the art and urban structure (lighting, sewers, street paving, signage, creation of a metro and shelters, water, gas, electricity, upgrading of existing facilities and creation of new districts, infrastructure using local style, available manpower and materials.

the next settlers won't find a military base, but a brand-new city with its own charm and character, its own local and imported products. A spaceport was also created, as well as roads and communications with other states, and a fishing port, both civilian and military, and a commercial terminal. There was choice and work for all. The economy was exploding and no one in the empire was hungry anymore.

But everyone feared the DemonLord.

Taller also knew that neighbors to the north and east were massing troops in the cities and that an army of at least 100,000 men was preparing to attack in place of the Enchantress, who had surrendered unconditionally. This was seen as a betrayal. Perhaps a lack of spies or communications, but not everyone saw the danger as Xayda did.

Especially since she knew there were 8 other warlike Empires just waiting to attack.

She knew that sooner or later they would have to unite with Mir to counter them, or disappear into slavery to demons.

I marched with my army towards the republic, to the astonishment of the humans. Taller had told me nothing, and I was unaware of the threat.

I'd found out, stripped the capital of its protection, assuming that Vidocq could defend the humans himself, but I didn't know that Taller was manipulating the information.

Either he was testing me, or he wanted my downfall. A Wyvern emperor was like an alien king to him.

He was making a caricature of me.

After a day's drive (we were transported by truck), we arrived at the border where another army was waiting for us.

There was a delegation with white flags and the red-and-white coat of arms of the republic showing an embroiled wyvern.

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