The Crystal Ship

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It was dark but there were several layers of black... really black black black and shadow black where you could see shapes with mind projection and a bit of astral... and... I was held firmly in the paw of a dragon immensely bigger than me.

It was like a Dali nightmare. The paw encircled me and the wrist like a rubber band stretching to infinity to have a monster of planetary size in front of me.

I was a film, less than a flea in the face of this all-black giant.

I let myself go and trembled like a frightened animal or dog and began to cry in terror.

I hissed and that seemed to make the monster in front of me react.

Then an eye came at me. It was as if the whole of Mount Everest was staring at me.


But my mind was crumbling and my instincts were taking over. I began to struggle like a snake trying to escape from a clutching hand.

I contorted myself in all directions and began to bite. and I began to huff like a snake.


I stared at the eye without taking any notice and concentrated on the piece of flesh that was squeezing me and I started to chew. Trying to sink my teeth in, I turned my stinger like a wasp, without success. No mental attack, magic. Pure, savage instinct.

Then the colossus roared and I fainted, tongue hanging out and head back, playing dead, but really being in a situation of pathological stress.

Nothing, no words, could make me react. I was a wild beast. I really was.

The grip loosened, and I was dropped into some sort of basin with water and calmed down.

The creature sighed from his 8head.

"Mir... you're a savage barbarian"


It cast a soothing spell and I relaxed as if injected with Valium.

My muscles relaxed and my nose and mouth cleared up.

The light came back into my eyes a little but I still began to cry and tremble with fear like a prey animal just before its neck is snapped.

I curled up in a fetal position, as if in an egg, and waited for the fatal bite.

After what felt like an eternity, I opened one eye and I was still in the basin."MIR... we need to talk..."

I was in shock and looked down at the floor. Broken and wheezing.

Another spell was cast on me, perhaps to soothe me, but it was to remove my state of shock.

My breathing returned to normal and I began to look around me, but I saw nothing. Only the edges of the basin.

Then a voice from everywhere terrified me and I started scratching at the basin to try and escape. I scratched, writhed, ran out of breath and then started again, irrationally.

"MIR..Calm down... if I wanted you dead, you'd have been dead a long time ago "but I kept scratching and links appeared and I fell on my side.

"Sorry, you leave me no choice. but I see you're more animal than human though you've wreaked havoc on Alpha, like no dragon or demon lord has ever done... In destroyed a world! Do you understand what I'm saying... YOU DESTROYED ALPHA!"

Me: "GRRRR!!"

The hydra lowered its head... Shit, it's my fault... I woke up the earth system on Alpha and every level was like a cheat code through the false invocation of hero...

MIR, the sentient Wyvern.Where stories live. Discover now