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The visit to the capital took all day and I assigned escorts with elite guards to look after the welfare of the Earth humans.

The shuttle was recharged fairly quickly and took off towards the ship in orbit.

The deflectors blew the dust off the tarmac, but it held up quite well.

In the evening, I accompanied the commander, on foot and with Chlorophylle, to the park and its magnificent expanse of clear water.

I knew that Kroa had taken up residence here and was always up to something nasty, or planning a raid, but I forgave him anything. We were animals and it wasn't fair for us to be subjected to so many rules and prohibitions. What's more, both he and I missed Mum.

It made me sick.

I wanted to destroy everything, burn it all down and let my exterminating rage make us pay for what we'd taken unfairly.

Unconsciously, I chattered my teeth and shook. Another one of those absences.

Chlorophyll hissed and my attention returned.

"Are you all right? Mir? You were lost but you're scary sometimes"

"I was thinking about mum..."

But she understood that I was thinking "HOW" to bring mum back.

Me : "Commander... what if I had a way to restore the 4 cores of your reactors. We could save the ship and let the mission continue? No?"

He smiles.

"Your Majesty, I understand that you want to help me but we're talking about cutting-edge technology and a particle accelerator here."

"When I suggest something, it's because I have a solution".

"We're in the Middle Ages and you've just started using technology from 1914 or 1945.

To build even the base of the base, you'd have to start the electronic forge, which would instantly empty what's left of the 4th reactor. We've only got 10% left, just to cram the crew in and make 2 return trips, say 2 outward and 1 return. We've calculated everything, studied everything and even simulated the dismantling of the parts. We need the cargo and the cargo engine is at 0%."

"Commander, I just need the plutonium sphere, I can recharge it."

"How?" (Taller).

"Me! I can magically transmute matter!

"Majesty. we're talking about terawatts and thousands of amperes here. I don't know if you get it?"

"Give yourself a chance!"

The commander wanted to refuse, as a precaution and above all, to prevent the wyvern from getting hold of the knowledge and weapons on board. It was too dangerous on the face of it. Her knowledge was beyond comprehension!

Behind the commander, Vidocq listened to everything but said nothing.

That evening, they returned to their imperial flats and the shuttle arrived, unloading its load of unconscious humans.

They were all taken to the medical wing, where they were treated if necessary, but all went well. They would wake up the next day.

At the table, it was a meal and show where we recounted the traditions and Atlantean origins of the empire and the magic portals, then the disappearance of civilisation and the cataclysmic collapse of the portal, as well as the first survivors in a world populated by dinosaurs...

It was very informative and a great show. A ball was then organised in honour of the guests.

The commander took the opportunity to sound out and gauge the Empress's character and the wyvern's motivations.

MIR, the sentient Wyvern.Where stories live. Discover now