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AI : "Prompt:?

"Military code Umbrella

"Welcome Commander Vidocq. All commands are yours. What are the instructions?"

"Analysis of the situation and priority decisions"


after a brief moment

"Priority: Save ARK and crew priority arming module."

"Power reserve? Regenerator?"

"... Impossible. Critical situation..."

"AXIS release?"

"Unable to provide assistance, power required"

"Redirect solar panels and sails?"

"Impossible Insufficient energy"

"Redirect H-bomb core?"

"Impossible insufficient energy"

"What if we cut the life support modules?"

"...still insufficient.."

"Core 1 to 3 disengaged?"

"Vidocq access priority! Cores disengaged and placed in portable enclosure."

"Locking reactor access. Block all interfering doors and passages".

"Aye, aye, Commandant Vidocq."

Yet on his uniform he was a captain, Commander Taller's second in command.

Some people called him Teller but it was a mistake on his uniform and he hadn't had it changed so as not to damage it.

Taller meant taller and Teller meant storyteller.

So Vidocq made a dash for the engines, his way clear as crew members tried to open their doors to access the service corridor.

The AI was telling them "save energy, take another access, or say no life support zone, or contaminated zone or depressurised zone, critical condition."

Alarms sounded, smoke billowed in the corridors and flashing lights went on alert.

The remaining crew hurried to gather up the last of the cryos, then rushed to the shuttle. But access was closed.

Vidocq was carrying three large suitcases with the plutonium cores, but they were unloaded and harmless.

He rushed into the shuttle, hid the 3 suitcases in the compartment and locked the toilets.

The crew rushed into the shuttles, and the Ai made sure no one had been left behind.

Then the little ship took off and everyone looked for the last time at their world ship and the growing atmosphere of planet Alpha, where they would surely end their days.

It was dawn and Vidocq discreetly returned to his room with his precious parcels.

He looked at the terminal on his arm

Priority No. 1: Find Brillant, his notes, his apprentices. Find a way to rebuild the teleporter. Bring Brilliant or his apprentices back to Earth. Use of force authorised.

Unlocking atomic weapons authorised.

He sighed. Bring a wyvern doubled with a demon lord back to earth... How?

He turned over his options... I need time. And to get time, I need to save the ship and prevent the crew from interfering. My mission must remain secret.

We had to contact Mir discreetly.

Then he had an idea... the undead guards...! not very talkative and no one around!

MIR, the sentient Wyvern.Where stories live. Discover now