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When the light came back on, 2 people were standing on the triangles, disoriented and in high school uniforms!

What the hell is this?

Chlorophylle stumbled and ran away, barely holding on to her legs.

The next day was one of the most memorable days in terms of nastiness.

The second princess was on her knees, her hair badly cut, as if to punish her, and she was wearing a simple brown commoner's dress.

"She was screaming at the maid who had her back to her, in the opening of her room.

The maid, a young woman with short black hair in a small bun and a housewife's uniform and white apron decorated at the collar with a small embroidery despised the princess and looked at her out of the corner of her eye like a bug to be squashed.

"I am the second princess!!! I have the right to eat like everyone else. Why are you so mad at me! Why!!! "

And she looked down to see her tray turned over with her vile meal stuck to the floor. Ruined and inedible.

She cringed with remorse at the pressure of the others' gaze...


She remained on her knees, her skin bruised on the hard stone and clutching her ears as if to isolate herself from the world.

"Everyone despises me... I'm a pest, a vermin to be eliminated... All these people who ostracize me, look down on me and spit on me...

Papaaa PApaa... Please... No.. Why did you lose confidence in me??? why???

He is convinced that I am tormenting my sister, that I am hurting her...

I... am alone in the world..."

Then a presence... behind... "Mir..."

The little wyvern hugged me...

"Princess... come live with us... you will be loved and protected!"

I was hugged by the princess who held me close to her heart...

"Mir... Mir...I can't take it anymore!!!"

After washing and wiping herself to hide this devastation, the princess went to the wing of the academy and I flew above her, invisible and hid above the cabinets.

I could feel that something was wrong, but what?

Before entering the arcane classroom, which I was also following, in a kind of cat cage, as a familiar we passed through a kind of dressing room made up of a large number of cabinets identical to student lockers. They were with wooden doors and each one had a lock.

There must have been a good hundred of them. And this was where one kept one's tools for practice as well as the appropriate mage's robe, wand and shoes. A uniform.

But when she opened the door, it was all garbage and spoiled kitchen waste, and the smell was repulsive.

Other students snickered, complaining about the smell.

"What the hell stinks like this??? I bet the second one."

And his classmates laughed too. The children of nobles were ruthless and everything was good to please the queen.

Since her locker was up high, everything fell on her, ruining her uniform as well.

"Whoaahhh" she screamed covered in maggots and disgusting worms.

She collapsed on her back, in a sad defeated posture. She then picked up the carnage and walked out of the hallway to the magical incinerator, and as she walked along the wall, more garbage fell on her from the second floor, covering her from head to toe.

She broke down and screamed in despair.

The students were laughing, leaning out of the open window to watch the spectacle of humiliation.

Vadia was also in the room and one of her classmates said to her:

"What's that stench?"

while cruelly watching the second princess, Chlorophylle, enter the classroom.

And... as if by chance, the emperor entered, accompanied by the teacher.

His appearance resembled that of the Bavarian monarchs and his round face was topped by a full head of hair and a large mustache, giving him a jovial air... from afar.

"I decided to come and see if everything was going well as I had to see the professor, and here I am"

The first princess then almost jumped at her father's neck but made an imperial bow.

I had a terrible look towards those monsters but I was a "familiar" and I didn't want to ruin my chances of revenge either.

What happened next could not be named!

The students were all smiles and honored to be able to get so close to the emperor.

"Yes, dad, I work hard and I hope my studies can help our family."

The emperor stroked and ruffled the first princess's hair.

It was sad and horrible to see. Even with dragon instincts and my soul becoming less and less human, I was distressed to see a situation like this.

As soon as her gaze fell on Chlorophyll, her blood rushed to her brain like an erupting volcano and her eyes... they looked like they were bursting out of their sockets. Her cheeks turned red with anger and her pupils... she... were almost gone!

An insane, sudden and devastating anger.

He rushed at Chlorophyll and I could not intervene nor growl... I was in a state of shock by the brutality of the situation.

He took three slamming steps and slapped the princess so hard that she rose from the floor and almost twisted her head before crashing into the wooden furniture.

Her eye almost crashed and her teeth clamped shut harshly.

"You ungrateful, filthy thing!!! How... how dare you look at me like that!!!"

The students giggled.

"That one, she didn't see it coming!"

Another one added: "The shame of the royal family! She should die!"

"Ugliness is a crime, isn't it?"

"Even her father hates her!"

"That's what he was waiting for when he wanted to take on the first princess!"

"Daddy... daddy, I-I never..."

He was about to pull her hair up when Vidia threw herself at the emperor's feet.

"Even if she torments me, she is family, I love her... she is my big sister....you are not going to hit her, dad??? It's my fault and if anyone should be punished, it's me, not Chlor..the second princess!"

Felicius "How How beautiful, my little princess Vidia"

Chlorophyll was still on her knees holding her nose and mouth to hold back her emotions or a piece of soul that had just been eaten. Her eyes were bulging and unable to cry.

She had cried so much that her eyes were dry.

"What a shame, how can she take advantage of the first princess's generosity like that?"

"If it were me, I would shoot myself so as not to sully the palace any further with her presence

MIR, the sentient Wyvern.Where stories live. Discover now