Barbaric training

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After these brutal events, we had 2 days of tranquility and I still needed 4 more levels so that I could do alchemy - transmutation and so that I could have a biped outfit. A kind of man-wyvern, a bit like the lizard men but with winged arms.

I could then have clothes but at the moment it would be ridiculous, like putting underpants on a monkey.

Blanche, my brother and my sisters were quickly informed, as well as Krator, Uncle and Sido.

Naming only made sense to humans... and I didn't need to. Mom was Mom... and Dad... yes... sometimes, Alpha... I never thought beyond that. Probably overwhelmed.

But I felt like I was next to a windmill all the time. And that getting sliced up was no longer an if but a when...

But where to go?

Fly north? To look for another continent?

If the witch or witches wanted us, all they had to do was reach out their arm or their magic wand.

At the table, Chlorophylle was eating alone with me and I had my plate but I was not hungry.


I lowered my head...overwhelmed by the events.

Then there was a knock at the door and it was Maxime and Sacha who entered.

"Can we eat here?" they asked me and I translated for the princess.

Chlorophylle: "You can understand them, you speak their language?"

I nodded, and grumbled. "Dragons are supposed to speak all languages... well... it's just me, or more than me..."

She held me close. "Mir... You won't be the last, but if you are the first, you should be proud!... At least in the eyes of the emperor, you will become useful, at least as a translator when the magic doesn't work.."

I sighed...

"It doesn't work like that!... I know their language!!! but I don't talk to animals!! well not yet... I don't have that power... not yet..maybe..."

I motioned for them to sit down and began to translate word for word.

"Hello MIR, Hello Princess!"

"Sasha and Maxime greet you."

While they were eating, I asked to see their gun.

"Be careful,'s dangerous!"

"Maxime, I know this model it looks like a German Sig Sauer P320...but the model is made of titanium, the original is made of stainless steel. "

I turned the gun over to admire the finish.

"3D printing?"

"Yes, with electron beams. No need for machining!!!" Only the barrel is honed. But the officers have more modern ones. "

Me: "Rail-guns then."

They turned around

"How do you know that?"

"Oh, I was a researcher and scientist in another life... but that's all in the past!!!"

"But why don't you..."

"Being reborn as a Wyvern has been a blessing to me!!! I don't want to start over or continue this horrible life. I have everything to be... (happy.. but I did not continue my sentence)

Then tears flowed from my slitted eyes... "MOM.. DAD!!!"

Chlorophylle caressed me to console me.

Maxime: "Sorry, Mir... we couldn't know... we respect you. It's your life, your decision..."

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