The Battle of Masara

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Enclin was with me and the other monster warlords.

I was in Masara's courtyard.

"Lord Mir, your demonlord status would have you in the capital, the last line of defence against troops and heroes."

Then he looked around.

"You've only got 2,000 men and monsters here. They're not going to stop anything. You risk falling victim to the mages here. They know you're here. The spies..."

I raised my paw.

"Our 3 heroes know what they have to do and here we're buying time. The day after tomorrow we're marching on the Nordic duchy."

I started to growl at them to shut up.

He turned to the shamans, who saw that I was mad and living in my disillusionment.

The humans who remained were defending their families or guards and were part of the clans banished and criminalised in the other states.

Basically, they were bandits with nowhere to run.

The monsters wanted the fight and the gold of their victims.

It was 1 against 25.

Then the night was interrupted by thousands of torches pointing like stars in the night.

The vast plain that separated Masara and the capital stretched out on the other side, leading to a series of deforested hills. The battlefield would be hemmed in by the plain so that catapults and other siege engines could be brought within range. About 300 metres from the walls, with catapults and enchanted ballistae.

What worried me most were the anti-dragon balistas.

Krii and Kraa stayed with Blanche to protect my empress from a surprise or magical attack.

I had ordered the civilians to flee the area and get as high up as possible.

They were setting up camp and would start in the morning.

The instructions for tonight were to make sure there was no sabotage, but there would be.

Kratos kept watch with me while I buffed all the fighters, summoned imps and hellish terrors.

It was all in the system menu. Minor demons and servants.

I assigned these horrors to guard the ammunition and any intruders.

A hundred or so lizard men came as reinforcements and a group of ten or so lamias. Women with snake bodies up to their torsos. They specialised in the magic of petrification and the manipulation of poisons.

The lizard men specialised in close combat, not only with daggers but also with teeth and claws.

They were given instructions for rubber masks, making them all look like orcs.

I had all the available fibreglass and spider silk armour fitted and I had the barrels of brandy and honey opened so that everyone could enjoy a good meal before the battle.

I ordered the most tired to sleep and rest, while the imps and golems kept watch.

Then, at the crow of the cock, the fires were extinguished in the Duke's camp and white smoke indicated that they were gathering and preparing to march on the fortress.

The next hour was filled with the sound of bugles, massive wooden wheels and pulleys creaking on their unoiled axles and the neighing of the many horses pulling these structures.

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