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By attending classes with my princess, my knowledge of magical arcana improved and, with free access to scrolls and tomes of magic, I began to have a good range of skills.

Name : Mirmoelnir

Sentient wyvern, medium dragon, evil chaotic...?

Armor : Natural class 17

HP : 75

Speed : 30 Km/h

Ascent : 30 Km/h

Flight : 60 Km/h

Strength : 21 (100)

Dexterity : 10

Constitution: 20

Intelligence: 18(100)

Wisdom: 18

Charisma: 15

Immunities: Acid, Fire 50

Night Vision

Bite: 11 + poison (24/min.)

Claws: 13

Sting: 11 (puncture) + 24 (poison) min.

Breath: fire

Class: Mage level 6

Basically I was a giant flying scorpion...

Mage Spells :


Magic armor

Burning paws

Enlargement / reduction





Levitation of objects


Toxic cloud

Protection from paralysis

Level 3 Spells:

Leomund's Safe Haven

Crazy Language (only me and another can understand each other)


Summoning monsters I

Mind of steel.

Magic missile


Sleep, the most powerful spell at level 1

Priestly Spells :

Creation of hot/cold drinking water

Healing of minor wounds

Detection of evil

Detection of magic

Poison Detection

Cold/Heat Resistance (natural)

Protection against evil


Fatigue removal


I was still far from the accomplished mages let alone the army mages and those serving the nobles.

I could say, yes, I was... a small mage.

My only advantage was my draconic mana and my dragon blood which amplified everything by 25%.

I would need 2 more levels and then be able to access alchemy and transmutation, but it was hard.

I missed my family and went to the guild in town to meet Romas' contacts.

MIR, the sentient Wyvern.Where stories live. Discover now