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The royal palace, the tension was extreme and one hero, a young blond man, knocked one of the guards to the ground.

The lead knight, Rose, a woman of extreme beauty asked what was going on. She was tall, 17 years old, with long blond hair, a thin face, almost like an elf.

Her plate armour hid pectorals that would make any bodybuilder swoon. Not an atom of fat... except in her chest, protected by a breastplate that diminished her femininity.

To her right, a rapier sword was protected by a hard black sheath and the hilt was carved with her family crest: a silver griffin.

She was the admiration of all the knights and she was directly responsible to the Minister of Defence, her direct boss, who in turn was responsible to the Queen and equal in authority to the First Princess. The Second Princess was of no importance to her. She was just a decoration.

The knight in charge of security appeared out of nowhere behind the white-haired hero and helped the guard to his feet.

"Is this how you stroll around the palace shoving aside the guards I'm responsible for?"

The hero turned around "You call them guards? I'd say straw men protected by an iron box that serves as armor"

Rose: "You will calm down and go back to the lobby before I throw you in irons."

"I don't take orders from a butterfly who calls himself the leader of the knights"

Immediately, he charged his fist with mana and his aggressive aura manifested to smear Rose on the floor.

She frowned and with a slap, she deflected the hero's fist coming like a meteor.

A split second later, the hero couldn't turn around in time and ended up face down on the stone wall, leaving a crater where he had been hit, his left arm locked behind his back. Rose had mastered the hero.

"You are summoned and have divine blessings, but you have no combat experience. Heroes playing young roosters, I break them and eat them for breakfast!"

She invoked a movement restriction spell. "You are under arrest and will not be released until the hero exchange meeting."

"I promise to make you regret it"

"They all say that... but after a few days in the dungeon, they cry and lick my boots! You will be no exception!"

Surrounded by a circle of light sticking his arms behind his back, the hero was ruthlessly led by the guards he jostled to his new home: a dungeon deep in the cellars of the imperial palace.

Chlorophylle passed him and the hero stared at her before the guard made him bow his head to the princess

"We bow our heads to royal blood" But the guards looked at the princess with vicious eyes.

And one of them whispered to the other. "Patience... soon we can have fun with her..."

The hero grinned, but his grin faded as the two guards kicked and kicked him until he was unconscious, his head swollen and his arches swollen to hide his eyes.

"This is what a hero should look like after a fight. This is your first lesson in endurance..hahaha!" Then he threw him unceremoniously into a dark dungeon.

Chlorophylle had witnessed the carnage and ran away, afraid of suffering the same fate.

"Little sister... how did it come to this? Why do you hate me now? What have I done to you? What about dad? Why can't you see anything?"

She took refuge in her room and barricaded herself in.

It was filthy and worse than a servant's room because she did everything herself.

MIR, the sentient Wyvern.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora