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Today the weather was dry and there was not much wind.

It was spring and many young preys were leaving their nests.

It was also an opportunity but dad had the wisdom to wait until they were grown to "pick" them.

We did not lack anything but I could see that they were exhausted. Especially dad physically and mom, not fed enough. She had lost a lot of fat and 4 voracious "little ones" was more work than 1 or 2 especially since I had an XXL size for a baby.

Moreover, I had a kind of "system" that indicated my progress but it was "realistic" and I didn't grow according to the number of "kills", of kill with XP.

On the other hand I had a kind of relative gauge comparing my strength, my defense and my chances to defeat an opponent.

And the accuracy would increase with experience but not with XP.

It was a pity but better than nothing.

On the other hand I had like skills like understanding a language, and a gauge of "mana" or "Ki".

But I had a kind of "cheat": Science : MAX.

And I had "Understanding of Magic - Alchemy" at 1%. This meant I could progress and gain more skills.

I also realized our problem.

"DADDY... Mir hunt with careful climbing back."

Mom hesitated.

"MOM chase rabbit brother sisters..!"

They knew I could catch rats and kill a rabbit with no problem.

My stinger was not yet developed but I had made a rabbit skin bag with dozens of rocks to shoot with.

Dad was curious and thought we were going to play ball or "catch."

They were like 4 year olds, grown up but playful!

Dad was waiting to feel my claws clinging to his neck to take off but I pressed myself against him and it was like a roller coaster.

We dived 40 meters and immediately he recovered in speed and I could admire the beauty of the world.

The wind was whistling and I shouted "Daddy!!! the best!!! Super DAD!"

He was proud and I could feel him unconsciously lifting his head.

I was lucky to have loving parents even though they were semi intelligent animals.

It was now my job to turn my family into a tribe and why not an ethnic group!

I could already see myself leading the whole troop and having a dragon village where life would be good.

Problems were piling up in my head but one thing at a time.

The sun was rising towards the east, I guess, and it was skimming the plains and forests bordering the rocky cliff, overlooking a plateau that gradually climbed towards a mountain range.

According to my memories, the higher you went, the bigger and more resistant the animals were, and especially... dangerous.

What I feared were wing wounds, griffins and maybe Fenrirs? They were fantastic creatures and I didn't know if they were just in my imagination or if they were real.

Dad started to "Talk".

"Mir not Montagne!"

"Dad? Danger? Bad guys??"

Dad: "Yes... Sharp! Canines..!" and he rolled up his lips to show his rows of sharp teeth..

"Yes... DAD!!"

MIR, the sentient Wyvern.Where stories live. Discover now