The Calife

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I was lying on a huge oriental carpet straight out of an Arabian Nights account and it was as if I were in a dream within a dream... and I heard muffled footsteps. An elderly person walking on carpets with slippers.

I rubbed my tears, which couldn't stop flowing because I was so sad.

Then I heard a table being pulled up and straightened my head.

Darkia? Is that you?

But instead, I saw a man in his sixties, maybe even older, sitting on a kind of couch running the length of the room.

It was made of stone, but the whole interior was decorated with fabrics, as if a Bedouin tent had been set up inside, and all sorts of luxury objects were arranged as if in a kind of Middle Eastern-style salon, but more Indian than ever.

It was a palace from the Arabian Nights.

The bearded man's head was adorned with a turban, and a pin made of precious stones held it all together.

The bearded man's head was adorned with a turban, and a pin made of precious stones held it all together

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Was he a king? A sultan? A maharajah? I didn't know, but he looked at me without emitting any malevolent emotions.

"Would you like some tea? Mir?"

I crawled over to the table and looked at a carafe and bowl with a handle to match the cup and teapot he'd just used.

I looked at the old man, all teary-eyed.

"She's gone..."

He put down his teacup.

"My is the most beautiful thing in this world, but when it runs out, it's a pain that's hard to fill."

"Darkia...can you bring her back? "

The human had a small wand. and held it out to my heart.

"Darkia is still there...she's with you forever...but it's a dream, a dream and here, dreams come to life like nightmares."

"Are you the Sultan? Are you the Vizier?"

He took his cup of tea.

then beckoned me to drink too.

I did, and all at once my sadness subsided and I shivered.

"Do you see all this? Mir... this is your home... this is your palace, your dream house, your astral. Whatever comes from your heart can manifest here..."

"But who are you?" I dared to ask.

"You just said it... I'm... the caliph of A'arnateth, the city of a thousand veils where lost dreamers meet. It's an end and a beginning in itself, a meeting point where the impossible becomes possible and what no longer exists can meet what will exist."

"Darkia... what did you do to her? She told me you tried to kill her, to eliminate her many times... If you're her enemy, then you'll find me in your way..."

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