The Dragon's Inn.

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After 3 weeks we returned with souvenirs for the tribe, bullets, dolls and shiny bronze trinkets and also spearheads and one or the other halberd head and chain mail and a helmet and steel plates to forge. Kratos was happy to have his other half back and I missed being looked after by my parents terribly.

I was surprised when they had managed to move the inn to the riverside without too much damage. In fact it was renovated and in better condition than it was originally.

I was pleased to have a great tribe.

Of course, they extended the walls, the roof and the entrance.

The hostel was ten times bigger.

But I understood...

They blew it up. Tidied up and then they dug out the larger structural parts. I can't imagine the carnage, but they did it...

The inn could accommodate wyverns..... the stools and the human counter... a real climbing course..

Romas would have to see that...

They should have planned to put the original inn inside the inn..copy, wyvern style.

I now had some useful spells and the precious reduction spell. Unfortunately it only worked on myself.

Grandma and Doc would return with Krator for their crafting and healing training and the baptism that came with the training.

And the Wyverns were more than happy to be part of a cult, wanting to break free from the animal world and get closer to the true ancient sentient dragons. They couldn't do it alone, but with the cult and the wisdom, it would be possible.

And, I couldn't follow them forever, I didn't want to end up as a village or tribal elder. I started them but now I had a life of adventure ahead of me. I was young and I wanted to take on the world. I relied on my brother or one of my sisters to go out and explore the world and I couldn't rely on Kratos to protect us.

Dad still had a lot to teach me, including how to deal with powerful monsters and how to use my tail sword and stinger.

"Mir... your stinger... it can only be used twice a day maximum... and only when your breath is exhausted.

You also have canines with venom like in the stinger but they cancel each other out. This means that if you sting with your stinger and bite, the poison stops. The reverse is also true, so be careful, but it is used to cancel the effect in case of an accident.

Your poison in small doses can drive females crazy. That's a daddy secret... never tell mummy. It's a male thing... their secret! And... don't forget... we have two!!! "

I was blushing just thinking about the childish things I could do.

I wondered if with a human female... could she have half wyvern babies? Birthing or laying eggs?

My mind began to race and I realised that I ... well ... let's just say that dragons and monsters mature faster than humans and ... how shall I put it ... if I turned into a human, I would be 12? But in my mind, I was an adult at times, with the instincts of a young beast and the desires of a teenager. Everything was mixed up and confused

I thought I would need a loincloth one day, so as not to have any surprises. Especially with Blanche following me everywhere.

After 2 days "off" I returned to the fort and a room in the tower was set aside for me and I was prepared to serve the princess as a guard, a pet dragon and also a knight. I was also to keep my intelligence secret from the nobles. Only the emperor and the second princess could know that I could speak and that I was more than an animal. That I was a sentient creature.

The wyvern children had also come to train as Kratos and the other two half-healed adults.

In exchange for services they would be healed permanently.

The coming and going of the huge creature could not but attract attention and the surrounding inhabitants noticed that the crime rate had dropped to zero.

They were all the more surprised to see the wyverns wearing dewlaps, loincloths and surpasses bearing the crest of Fortd'hiver and the empire.

MIR, the sentient Wyvern.Where stories live. Discover now