
20 5 5

Three days later, delegations of noble families arrived for the funeral of the imperial family, the knights, nobles, guards and servants who perished in the failed coup.

I was with my 20 meters rolled up on a carpet braided with gold thread and on my right, the empress.

We were on a platform, surrounded by guards and knights all dressed in black.

A small military parade preceded the funeral procession where the remains would go to the family vault.

"If I should die, Mir, promise me never to go into that cursed vault"

"I promise... but nothing will happen to you! Be sure of it!"

My brothers and sisters were next to me, and to my left, Snow was also on her golden carpet with her five meters now."

Snow: "Mir. Do you still love me? You flirt with the princess all the time!"

Annoyed, I replied with a draconian growl: "Snow! This is not the time or the place. Yes... I love you!"

She calmed down, reassured, but I could see a sting of murderous jealousy towards the empress.

She lowered her gaze as I stared at her sternly with my slitted eye.

The pressure of the Demon Lord was not to be taken lightly.

The wyvern didn't care but all she wanted was me! But she also understood that the Empress mattered too. She would have to share... That was the destiny of the dragons...

The high dignitaries then paraded to greet me and join the procession.

I stayed on the spot, as the protocol wanted, then balistas and siege engines were deployed and I wanted to break everything so much it was primitive!

Chlorophyll: "What's wrong, Mir?

"The army is in pieces! and the equipment is obsolete. This doesn't even make me laugh!"

Tomorrow, I want to change all that!

The nobles were in a way reassured that their privileges were preserved and that even Demon Lord, I was continuing in the footsteps of the empire.

They hate change! I knew that and that I was a dragon was worrying but seeing me calm and collected and feeling reassured them in their beliefs.

The end of the day passed without incident and Orc troops had arrived at the ramparts. There were about 3000 of them.

Their shamans wanted to see me.

Then, with the nobles gathered at the small palace, I took off and landed directly in front of the main entrance where Zalar was waiting for me, worried.

The soldiers were worried and terrified, not knowing if they should raise the alarm.

Then, roaring


Immediately the Shamans knelt down and understood that I was a demon lord with a territory and conquered cities.

"Shamans: Let one thing be clear, the Imperial population is now part of the Demon Empire."

Ratth'or (Chief shaman): What are you going to do as the new Demon Lord?

Me: "Change everything my way! Weapons, armies, Magic, laws and crush Magincia and all our enemies!"

Ratth'or: "I like that".

"A welcome buffet awaits you, houses and a part of the city are reserved for you. You will be in the walled area. You are free to transform your whole area to your liking!"

MIR, the sentient Wyvern.Where stories live. Discover now