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NOTES: The story isn't finished, but this volume will end here.

The next volume will focus on Mir and Professor Brilliant's past lives and how he will discover himself, and how his accidental transformation wasn't so accidental after all.

Here, Mir is in a coma undergoing a profound transformation. His iron will is at odds with the other facets of his personality, provoking a major conflict and resulting in a deep coma. Were he not in this coma, he would awaken as a powerful, devastating creature who would destroy those he loves as much as those he hates. His family here takes over while he recovers.

General Neuville couldn't believe it. In front of his screens, he looked for ways to communicate with the Tiger, but apart from black box data in the cloud signifying major damage, he had to resign himself to the obvious.

The Tiger was gone.

What had happened? No alerts, no approaching weapons or energy systems.

Behind him, the Paladin remained silent.

"General Neuville... the Tiger is destroyed. We're going to use the Kennedy, the Charles II, the Enterprise and the New York.

General: "Chancellor, but the orbital defense, the Charles de Gaulle II!!! it's going to pulverize them!"

Chancellor Paladin: "It's too old, too slow and too ancient. It's a pile of junk and it's near Jupiter protecting the French colonies.... By the time he gets here, you'll be at the pension!!!"

General: "Yes, you're right, but our commandos and elite troops are no longer responding either. They would have been torn to pieces by wyverns. President Trunk seems heavily protected, and my 'paranoid' intuition has never failed me. I think we're moving too fast.

Meanwhile, on one of Jupiter's moons, flashes appeared in the atmosphere and a long crystal could be seen from the surface.

French delegation: "Incredible! 2 years of instantaneous travel! "exclaimed General Leclerc, followed by President Trunk.

Empress Chlorophille preceded them, manipulating the force fields around her.

Leclerc: "So, if I understand correctly, if we install a mage tower here, it would be possible to make the atmosphere here breathable? And melt some of the ice to free up an ocean, bringing in life forms?"

"Exactly, my lords! The mana content here is incredible and it's immediately available energy."

General "And what about our little problem?"

The paladin will have a big surprise in a few hours. The Nato forces will be broken and the Union can have a lasting peace, but right now I'm worried about our Mir and something in him has broken with Enka. He's just not the same. "

Trunk: "I don't understand."

Chloro: "This has nothing to do with you, France, L'Unison or our alliance. The wyverns are peaceful and seek only to live in harmony with nature in a kingdom that means them no harm. Nor do they seek to do you or me any harm.

They're people like you, who have each evolved in their own way."

Then she let tears fall to the floor. "Mir... my little Mir..."

The humans behind the half-dragon said no more and continued their tour of the colony's facilities.

All the staff were working on the Destroyeur/Carrier Charles de Gaule, but the engineers seemed desperate, knowing that their magnificent vessel would be slaughtered 1:4 at best, against more modern vessels.

MIR, the sentient Wyvern.Where stories live. Discover now