Poor tribe

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The Enchanteress immediately went down to the dragonic stables and was struck by the cries and clamors of the wyverns... they spoke in the common language! and in English. The language of heroes!

It was impossible and senseless.

Obviously, something was wrong.

Usually the captured dragons would grumble for a few moments and then curl up in a ball in silence waiting for food to be delivered and after a few days of being shown who was the master, they were ready for the training and the collar of submission, which helped them to understand the orders that a well-trained knight would give them.

But this was a community, a tribe.

As soon as she entered the sight of the dragons, she had to throw a shield.

Then a flood of fire, ice and acid came at her.

"Free us! WITCH! "my daddy shouted.

She stepped back for a moment.

They were wyvern soldiers, mercenaries and she cast an identification spell.

"Ah... They are not monsters but races... The wyvern race.. never heard of and..

intelligence!!! 12 to 18!! monsters, wyverns and young dragons only had 3 or 4 at most!...

She then tapped with her scepter on the ground.


It is not in a dragoonry that you should be in but in barracks and barracks or in the dungeon... "

She saw that some of them had a pourpoint and draperies arranged in a loincloth with the colors of Fortd'hiver.

Dragons hunting dragons! never seen before!... and she laughed.

The guards were impassive under their helmets colored in dark red, in blood color.

The Enchantress:

"Poor wyverns... Well, I don't know how loyal you are to the Empire or not. But you have been captured to bind you to dragon knights. I hope you understand!"

Dad answered "yes", all the wyverns having fallen silent so he could speak.

"Good. At least you have the wisdom to listen before you speak...I guess you are their tribal leader.."

Father replied "Yes...and no..."

"Oh, well everyone listens to you... I mean the wyverns... But you don't know how much it excites me to talk with a dragon... They are so simple and boring, animals."

"When my son comes, I don't give a damn about you..."

"Hoohooo... threats... You must know that I am the witch of the west..."

"Mir.. he knows, he'll find out and set us free."

"So you don't care about the empire and what you care about is being free? "


"And where is he, 'Mir'... I guess he's your son."

Mom interrupted, "Leave our son alone! We didn't do anything to you! No wyvern did anything!!!"

Enchantress "I doubt it.... one of your tribe slaughtered a score of my men."

Father: "It is not Mir.... ... It was bandits attacking our friend, the human stuff seller.."

"Yes, Yes... a mess... they were my men under the guise of bandits. They were to intercept the merchants in order to weaken the border villages and towns.. You came at the wrong time and the wrong place... It's war and I can understand you didn't know...

MIR, the sentient Wyvern.Where stories live. Discover now