Still,For the Thrill of it🌷.Jk

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The Lady smiled "Just Curious...that is a Pretty Name."While a Frown was Still on the Girl's Face,She did nod and agree with what the Lady said before Glancing at the Phone in her own Hand that has Just Gotten a Notification.

Jaeyun: I'm on my way now.

The Girl smiled at the Text that Appeared on her Phone and quickly told the Lady next to her that She had to Go to meet with the Boy who has Sent her the Text.

Only her Outfit did She Change before Leaving the House again to Walk all the way to a nearby Mall where She would meet the Mysterious yet Kind Jaeyun.

They've been Texting for quite a while already,talking about all kinds of things,however Y/n never knew what the Guy she Started to Consider a Friend Truly Looked Like,but she was curious,So when he offered to meet that Day She Agreed without Hesitation.

She Smiled widely when thinking about the Fact that She was Gonna Meet her Friend,When Suddenly,Her Phone recieved another Notification.

Unknown Number: Hey.

A Sense of Fear wrapped all around her and made her stop walking for just a Moment when She saw the Words 'Unknown Number',She Gulped and Wondered wether or not She should Answer the Text or not,Wether or not it was Jake who Texted her.After having ran away from her Boyfriend a Couple of Months ago,She was Scared to Communicate with him again,and a Random Number texting her made her Incredibly Nervous.
However She was Aware of the Fact that She has already changed her Number a While ago,So whoever was Texting her could not be Jake,right?

Feeling somewhat Brave and Curious,while also wanting to be Sure that it wasnt Jake,She texted the Number back.

Y/n: Hello?

Unknown Number: Great,I've seen that You saw my message...yet you didnt reply...I wondered why?

Y/n: Sorry? Who are You?

Unknown Number: ??

Y/n: Who are You?

Just by the Way the Person Acted,Y/n felt Confused and Scared,Yet She Still decided to Check the Message that She Recieved from that Person.

Unknown Number: Well...You know who i am.

Well,She did not Infact know who the Person was and could only guess and the Person that She could Guess was the Person that She was so Scared of talking to.

However,she still wanted to Know who She was talking to but as it appeared that the Person wouldnt Simply Tell her,she chose to Start Question them a Little More.

Y/n: I do?
Y/n: Are you Jaeyun?

Unknown Number: Maybe...

Y/n: Okay...Then why would you have two Numbers?

Unknown Number: Why wouldnt I?

Y/n: I guess...Well...If you are Jaeyun then Tell me where we're about to Meet.

Unknown Number: The Mall near the Forest.

She stared at Screen of her Phone unsure wether She should be Suprised,Confused,Amused or Relieved by the Answer of the Person that Seems to be Jaeyun.

Either way,she was Still a Little Scared and as She did Arrive at the Mall that was Just Mentioned in the Text,She chose to Reassure the Fact that this Person might be Jaeyun and Texted the Number that She Originally knew to be his.

Y/n: I'm here...and do You have a Another Number?

As a Dozen of People walked into the Mall excited about the Shopping they were about to do,Y/n stood infront of one of the many glass doors that decorated the Mall and Allowed alot of Sunlight to Shine into the Building.

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