FIFTY-THREE - [Dessert]

Start from the beginning

"If you are willing then take off your clothes now!" I stared deeply into her eyes and my tears started to stagnate, I didn't think she didn't understand my situation right now. I just gave birth to her child a month ago and now she still wants to impregnate me. I'm not sure if she's sober or half drunk because she also took alcohol a while ago.

Her eyes are a little narrow, her behavior is also a little ruder than usual. After I ignored her wishes, she went towards me and pulled the bathrobe fabric on my chest and squeezed my breasts hard, she kissed my lips quite roughly.

"Lisa, don't be too rough ... I'm breastfeeding..."

She hugged me tightly and dropped her head on my shoulder.

"Honey... my head hurts...", Lisa said in a low tone. My assumption was correct, she was drunk. Lisa wasn't a heavy drinker, and I knew she wasn't mean to me. But often the words that come from a drunken person are true and her will is long hidden. I'm afraid that Lisa really hides her desire from me.

The next morning, I woke up first to take a shower and check on the children in their rooms. As soon as I finished visiting my children I returned back to the room to breastfeed Canny who had just woken up from sleep, I sat on the edge of the bed and gave Canny my body's milk. Not longer after that, a pair of long, veined hands wrapped around my waist tightly.

"Good morning, my beautiful wife", greeted Lisa as she hugged and kissed my back.

"Morning too"

"Have you showered, dear? You smell so good", added Lisa again in a soft tone.

"Yes, I did"

"Good morning, my Little Princess", Lisa kissed Chiquita's forehead.

"Honey, I wanted to take a shower first. After taking a shower, I will visit the children so that they are ready to go out later"


Lisa got up from the bed and gave me a kissed on the lips before heading to the bathroom.


We went to the beach and went on a luxury yacht that Lisa had booked, it was a normal thing for Lisa to do. We continue our journey by seeing the scenery of Jeju island which is very beautiful and magically. There were dolphins following as our yacht was moving. Liam, Jane and Louis had a lot of fun watching it all. Chiquita was with Lisa, she hugged her youngest daughter lovingly as she stood with her other children.

"Mommy it's so biggggg!", Liam said excitedly.

"The color is so beautiful! Daddy, can you buy one for us to keep at home?", Jane asked Lisa.

Lisa just laughed at her daughter's question.

"Honey, are you okay?", asked Lisa.


"I noticed from earlier that you didn't talked much. This vacation is for you, I'm sorry if it's only in Jeju, but I promise to take you and the kids to abroad for our next vacation", added Lisa with a smile widely.

"Thank you, I really appreciated what you did for me"

"I love you, My Wifey", added Lisa again and kissed my cheek.

After more than an hour we were on the yacht, We finally returned back to the land and headed to a restaurant for lunch. All the children are taken care of by Lisa, as well as Chiquita, my little baby started whining since earlier but luckily Lisa was good at persuading Canny by giving her the bottle I had prepared and supporting her until Canny really fell asleep in her arms.

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