Maddie huffed in annoyance and took out her headphone, while turning to you. "I'm fine," she spat. "Jesus fucking christ, all I want is to be left alone!" You looked at her in shock. "Watch your language and your tone," you warned. "Maddie, I'm worried. You've been so different lately and it's scaring me."

Maddie just rolled her eyes and turned back to her homework, putting both headphone into her ears to block you out. That's it. You didn't need Ben for this. You were going to find out what was wrong and you were going to do it right here, right now.

"Maddison, don't ignore me," you pleaded. "I am your mother, you can talk to me. I'm here for you, do you understand? Are you getting bullied, are your friends...influencing you to do things? I don't know, you have to give me something!"

Maddie grunted in annoyance and turned to you, shouting, "Nothing is wrong! God, why do you have to be so nosy! Just stay out of my life!" You were a little brought back. You were never nosy. As a matter of fact, you gave her so much space and freedom for a fifteen year old that you wouldn't be surprised if she ran off and joined a cult because she knows you and Ben trust her.

"Maddie...I'm not...I'm just worried, sweetie. That's all." Maddie didn't let up on the shouting, as she continued, "Well then, stop! God, out of all the women dad could have, why did he choose you?" That was it. That one struck a nerve. That's the question you had been asking yourself since you and Ben got together and he's always answered with the sweetest answers he could conjure up.

But now this is your daughter questioning it...and it hurt. A lot.

Just a few seconds after she had shouted that for the entire neighborhood to hear, Ben's angrily booming voice shouted, "Hey!" His footsteps could be heard storming up the stairs. Before he could get into the room, you quickly removed yourself and walked quickly into your bedroom, shutting and locking the door.

Ben was at the top of the stairs when he saw you do that and sighed loudly. "Maddison," he angrily called. He walked into her room to see her slumping and pouting in her chair like a child. "Maddison, I have had enough!" He shouted. "You have no right to talk to your mother that way! Go and apologize right now!" She just shook her head, making his blood boil.

He was about to shout something, but got distracted when he heard your bedroom door open. You came out, dressed in a sweater and a pair of jeans with your car keys in hand. "Where do you think you're going?" Ben asked. You ignored the question and walked past him, down the stairs.

"Shit," he muttered. "[Y/N], you are not leaving!" He ran after you, but you were already outside and halfway to the car. "[Y/N], sweetheart, come back inside," he begged. "Come on, we'll work this out, we'll talk!" You got into your car and locked the door, before Ben could try and open it.

"[Y/N]," he pleaded through the glass, "don't leave. Honey, it's late and I don't want you going out when you're this upset." You turned on the ignition and looked at him with puffy, tear stained eyes. The sight of you broke his heart. You simply told him, "Watch your feet."

He jumped out of the way when you quickly backed out and drove down the street. "GOD DAMMIT!" He yelled in frustration. He charged back inside the house and snatched up his keys, before making his way upstairs again.

He walked into Maddie's room and sarcastically said, "Oh well done, you! Your mother is gone and now I have to go look for her! I swear to God, Maddison, you better have one fucking amazing apology when I get back with her. If you don't, I am adding a month to your punishment which is going in effective immediately. No TV, no computer, no going out, nothing for a month! If you don't have that apology, like I said, make it two."

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