Chapter 39 In the battle of the fourth-level alien beasts, they...

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Doomsday female match space


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 39 In the battle of the fourth-level alien beasts, they...

    It's winter now, and the outside temperature drops to about five degrees at night.

    Pei Zheng built a simple tree house in the woods outside the air-raid shelter, which can not only resist the cold wind at night, but also allow him to take a break during the alert. After all, they have other operational arrangements during the day.

    The location of the tree house was about four meters from the ground. When he heard Lu Yao walking towards him, Pei Zheng put down the ladder so that Lu Yao could climb up the ladder to the tree house.

    Coming under the tree house, Lu Yao raised her head and looked at Pei Zheng who was squatting on the edge of the tree house through the moonlight.

    Because of the triggering of the ability, Lu Yao with super-sightedness could clearly see that the scar on his face had completely disappeared, as if there had never been a hideous knife wound there. She couldn't help but think of Pei Zheng with the scarred face she saw in the dream. How would he leave such a deep imprint in such a critical situation when he had no intersection with her in the original book?

    While grabbing the ladder, Lu Yao told herself in her heart that everything is different from the original book, Pei Zheng will get better and better, and so will she!

    Since the end of the world, Lu Yao seldom has time to relax like now. From escaping from Quancheng, to the fierce battle in Yicheng, and then to the turf war in the processing factory, the destination of their team to Wufeng Village has not changed, but the itinerary has been adjusted many times.

    It was rare to find a relatively safe place to settle down, and Lu Yao obviously felt that her tense nerves were slightly relaxed.

    Climbing up the soft ladder, when she was about to reach the tree house, Lu Yao held Pei Zheng's extended right hand and successfully boarded the tree house with the help of his pulling force.

    "Why aren't you sleeping?" Pei Zheng took a cushion and handed it to Lu Yao, motioning for her to sit down and talk.

    Lu Yao rubbed her frozen hands, and took the cushion, "It's cold outside, be careful not to catch a cold. I have something I want to ask you to help analyze, and by the way, see if you are missing anything here." Pei Zheng

    asked Lu Yao took a clean water glass out from the space, and he poured her a glass of boiling water with the small thermos that he carried with him.

    "It's okay. I'm not cold. I'm fully equipped with everything for night duty. There's nothing missing. Lu Yao, you can try to activate the supernatural powers in your body, which can bring some heat." This is the experience that Pei Zheng and his night duty team have summed up

    . Although it is still necessary to wear warm clothes to keep out the cold, the exposed hands and face are no longer frozen stiff.

    Lu Yao tried the method Pei Zheng said, and she really felt much better, even more effective than drinking hot water.

    Thinking of what she came to discuss with Pei Zheng, Lu Yao smiled and took out two peaches that could be eaten directly after peeling off the peel, and handed them to Pei Zheng one by one.

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