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Roel, caro mio

You saved me from that basement physically but my mind is still there. It never left despite you carrying my body out of it. I promised that I would try, I want you to know that I did. I tried and it wasn't enough.

It doesn't matter how much I try, it will always be there. A dark part within the gray matter that turned black pulling me in and refusing to let me go. I wrapped myself around you and every time it drags me back, you're pulled with me. I'm sorry caro mio, I tried. I tried in that basement where my body failed me and I try now when my mind does the same.

You were the best part of me, if I could go back to have you again I would. But I would do it differently, I wouldn't allow my fear of you becoming someone you could never be stop me from losing time.

That fear was bullshit, you could never have become him. But now it's changed, my actions showing me that I can. I refuse to be the person who hurts you instead, I'll be the one who lets you be free of the pain I'm causing.

You said you know three things; fighting, fucking and how to be my husband. You are so much more than three things but the last one was a role only you could have ever fitted into. It was designed for you and you shown me so much that I'll never be able to repay.

Now it's your time to be everything without having to be my net and taking the burden of my demons. I dare you to be you and see that you are more than three, you are more than you could ever know.

Remember the good days even if they were few, remember the days we had and if there is a life after this I promise you them days if you want them.

I love you caro mio.

Maria Çami, engjëlli.

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