Choosing Fate .:11:.

Start from the beginning

She grimaced. How could she not see that she was wearing the same two sets of outfits for the last two weeks?!

Emerie shook her head disapprovingly at herself. She needed to go shopping.

Her grimace turned into a look off horror at what she had just thought.

She loathed shopping unless she was getting hoodies and jeans. And now she was considering going shopping without being forced against her will?

She shook her head. “What has the world come to?”

“Are you coming or not Em? I’m hungry!” Raquel whined. “Libby don’t –”

Emerie screamed when the doorknob flew off the door and missed Emerie by a hair’s width!

The doors slowly crept open, revealing the two girls.

Libby smiled sheepishly, a ball of fire flickering above her palm. “Sorry. We didn’t have a key.”

“So that gives you permission to wreck my doorknob?” Emerie snapped, grabbing the golden knob. She let out a yelp of pain when a searing hot ache scorched her palm.

“Libby!” Emerie hollered.

Raquel rolled her eyes, snatching up the golden knob and sucked in the heat. “No big deal Em. I thought you were starting to practise your Fire after what we taught you!”

“I prefer using Earth and Air; something I’m already used to,” she said with a scowl.

Libby shook her chubby face disapprovingly. “I’ll be disappointed if you choose Earth or Air.”

Emerie scowled, narrowing her eyes at Libby. “Don’t test me Lib.”

Libby held up her hands in defeat. “Yes Princess. Now come on! I’m hungry! I can eat a horse!”

Raquel let out a whine. “Don’t kill a horse!”

“I’m hungry too,” Emerie said sharply, darting out of the room and waited impatiently for them to come.

With a wave of her hand, a gust of air slammed the door shut and Emerie locked it, striding down the corridor with Raquel and Libby.

“I’m so glad it’s a break,” Raquel said with a groan. “I swear the Element Defence has gotten harder on us ever since you showed up! Not that it’s a bad thing.” She smiled tightly.

Emerie rolled her eyes. “Get used to it. I have and I just started two weeks ago.”

Libby grinned impishly. “Well nobody can’t help but groan and complain about all these injuries! Everybody in the school at least has three bruises and a cut.”

Libby held out her  arms which still had a bit of baby fat remaining on it but Emerie and Raquel both did think it was cute. True to her word, three purplish yellowy splodges were slapped on her forearms though no cut, fortunately for her.

Raquel felt guilty that after all these years of attending school with Libby, she had though the chubby girl as a stuck-up Fire Elemental.

However it was the other way round. Libby was a kind-natured Fire Elemental who would openly take in the insults and bullying without complaining and occasionally fight back.

It was a good thing Libby was more respected after they realised that she was good with battle strategies.

“So are you guys going to try out for any sports next term?” Libby asked as they took a sandwich each, paid for it, and sat down.

This time it wasn’t near the rubbish cans.

In fact Libby, Emerie and Raquel never sat by the rubbish cans anymore. It was an empty table.

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