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A few days have passed by since the training camp, and over those few days the pro Heroes were still unable to locate Bakugou's whereabouts, which made many of the people in Japan question what the heroes were even doing to try to save this boy, but as all that was happening Deku and his group has formed a plan to find and Save Bakugou from the League of Villains, so once it got real late and each member of the group's parents were asleep, they all snuck out of their houses and went to a designated location where they will all be meeting, after minutes later Deku was the first to arrive at the location which was the area where the All Might statue was located, from arriving there he begins checking his watch, but while doing so he then began to hear Venom speaking to him in his head.


"So, you sure that plan of ours will work."


"Yes I do, as long as everyone plays the rules correctly then we were certainly save Kacchan."


"Hmm, you're really dedicated of saving someone that really hates you."


"Yes I am, and I don't care if he hates me, he's still my friend and I have to save him no matter what."


"Ha, spoken like a true hero."

Hearing Venom say that, Deku's morel rose greatly as he knew Venom saw him as a hero.


"Hey Midoriya!"

Hearing his name being called out by a familiar voice, Deku turns around and sees Momo and Tsuyu walking over towards him, once the two for face-to-face with him, they began speaking to one another.


"It's good to see you two."


"Same here, so did the both of you have any trouble getting here?"


"No we didn't, me and Venom traveled here by rooftop, which got us here much earlier than the two of you."


"Yeah I was thinking about traveling on the rooftop with scream as well, but there was way too many Heroes where I was coming from, so I took a taxi instead."


"Yeah so did we, me and Sleeper didn't want to disturb anyone in my neighborhood."


"Well I guess that's good to know, I'm happy that the two of you still got here safely."


"So have the others not arrived yet?"


"Yeah they haven't, but I'm sure they'll be here soon."


"Well if they don't show up or are hours late, then me and Scream suggest that we should leave."


"Oh come on Yaoyorozu, you know we can't do that."


"Well why not?, All three of us here have symbiots and we could clearly do this mission with only three of us anyways."


"No we can't, the three of us may have a symbias, but we're still going to need help in this mission."

We Are VenomHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin