Hello Venom

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A week has passed since the unknown symbiote has escaped from the laboratory, the league of symbiotes tried to locate the symbiote but it's scent was very faint especially since they knew it was always on the move, so after a long day of tracking the rest of the league of symbias gathered together in the forest to talk about this symbiote.


"All right everyone, we need to think of were that damn symbiote is going."


"Maybe it's just trying to get as far away from us as it can."

~Mr. Compress~

"Perhaps that's true, but it could also be looking for another host since Nomu don't have basic nutrition for a symbiote to consume."


"Yeah I can believe that, but don't you remember when the doc said before he died?, He told us that symbiote was evolved or something like that, so that symbiote could probably not need eat the nutritions from the Nomu to survive."


"Even if you three are right about that, that still doesn't answer my question of where that damn thing is going."


"I think we might know where it could be going."

As Toga said that, the others looked over at her.


"Back at the lab when me and Carnage were fighting that thing, Carnage told me it had the same sense of Izuku's symbiote."


"Well of course, it is a part of it after all."


"And that's the thing me and Carnage speculated, if that thing is a part of venom then it's most likely heading back to him right now."

Hearing this, the others eyes widen as they believed this since they all knew that a piece of their symbia will always come back to them no matter what.


"We have to go to UA now!"

With Shigaraki saying that, I'll follow them had their symbiers suddenly come out and cover their entire bodies were they then proceeded to head towards the direction of UA.

~UA high~

Meanwhile at UA high, class 1A was in the middle of a lesson taught by Aizawa, so while all the students were taking notes on the lesson being taught to them, Deku and Venom suddenly sensed something nearby, Deku turned his head over to the class window that looked out to the hallway and just beyond that he looked out the window just on the other side of the hallway, has he kept his eyes on the Windows he suddenly saw a silhouette heading straight towards the window, seeing that he quickly got up from his seat making everyone look over at him to suddenly see Venom come straight out of his body and begin to wrap around him, but around the same time that was happening the silhouette then crashed through the hallway window and the class window as well, from crashing through Venom quickly reacted by grabbing hold of his classmates that were closest to the class window and pulled them to safety as he then place them down on the side of the classroom, after doing so Venom looked ahead and saw the symbiote that the league of symbiotes were tracking down, well both symbiots were looking at one another, the rest of the class ran to each side to avoid what was about to happen.


"Hello... Venom."


"How do you know me?"

The symbiote doesn't answer his question, and instead smiles at him as he then begins charging straight at him, seeing this Venom bent his knees down so he could withstand this symbiotes charge, from doing so the symbiote soon reached the music Venom and grab hold of him where he then began pushing him back to the wall until eventually lifting him off his feet and crashing through the wall and running into another classroom where the students in that class begin to panic and jump out of the way as the symbiote was charging through the class while carrying Venom to another wall which they then crashed through a second classroom which was empty, but I have to crashing through that wall that classroom the symbiote them through Venom to the classroom window on the other side,


"Venom!, Are you all right!?"


"Yeah I'm fine, but this guy just pissed me off."

After saying that Venom then kicks himself up and jumps through the window he broke through, doing so he then grabs hold up some death with his hands and tentacles where he then begin throwing them straight at the symbiotes, while a few of the desks were thrown at the symbiote, he raised up both of his hands and begin hitting them away, but as more just began being thrown at him his focus was mainly hitting them out of his way, Hawaii was too focused on death Venom's tentacles suddenly wrapped around his ankles which he noticed too late and was then tripped and pulled towards Venom who then leaped up and pounced on top of of the symbiote where he then sent out garages of punches straight towards his face, as Venom continued slamming his fist into the symbiot's face, the ground behind its head begins to crack, but as Venom was about to throw another punch the symbiote suddenly raised his hand and grabbed hold of it and pulled back its legs where it then kicked Venom up to the floor above the scaring an entire class as he landed between the teacher and the students, as the teacher and students were beginning to run out of the classroom, Venom was slowly picking himself up, but before you could get off the ground, a hand suddenly burst through the ground and grabbed hold of his neck which then pulled him straight down to the floor he was previously on, after that he was then pinned down to the ground by the symbiote to them got close to his face.


"Who are you!?"


"We are Anti-Venom."

After Anti-Venom said that it then opened its jaws widely where it then leaned in close to Venom's head, but right before it it could get any closer, a large tangle suddenly wrapped around his neck and pulled him off of him Venom where it then threw him back to class 1A, after that happened anti-venom looked ahead and saw Scream who then let out a roar as she looked at him, seeing that he quickly picks himself up and starts charging towards Scream, but before you get any closer Sleeper suddenly punches him on the right side of his face and sending him flying to the other side of the classroom wall would she then broke through, after that he rose from the rubble and licked back into class 1A and soft Sleeper.


"There's three of them?"


"Make that four."

As anti-venom heard that he turn to his head and was then kneed in the face, where he was then sent back into class 1A once again, but while on the floor he began to pick himself up, but while doing so he then saw Venom's feet right in front of him which then made him look up to see all four symbiotes.


"Well Anti-Venom, I admit you gave me and my host quite a surprise, but it seems that you completely underestimated me and my allies."


"That's right, and now you're going to die here."


"Come on let's get rid of him quickly!"



With all four of them with an agreement they then begin throwing garages of punches straight at Anti-Venom, but while doing so clouds of dust begin to lift up in the air, I once all four stopped they left the dust clear and saw that anti-venom wasn't there and instead was the lengthy Nomu who used as a host was laying dead in his place, and while all four of them were looking at them Nomu, Anti-Venom making his way to a vent where he been slipped into an escaped once again.

~To be continuing~

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