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As Anti-Venom and Hybrid looked directly at one another, Hybrid quickly shout out multiple tendrils with sharp tips out of his back that went straight towards Anti-Venom's direction, seeing the tendrils heading towards him, he quickly jumped out of the way and hid behind an unfinished wall, but as his back was against the wall multiple tendril suddenly bursted around him from the wall which then which then turned and pierced through his stomach and chest, from that happening he attempted to break free, but before he could, Hybrid suddenly kick through the wall and slammed Anti-Venom to the ground, having the upper hand Hybrid made sure to put all of his strength to hold down Anti-Venom.


"Got you now."


"Is that what you think!?"

As Anti-Venom had his hands on the ground, he sunk his fingertips into the ground where he then pushed himself up launching hybrid back along with his tendrils that detached from him, now being back on his feet he swiftly turned around and begin running straight towards Hybrid who had his back against the wall.


"Oh shit!"

Hybrid quickly shot out more tenders from his back, launching them straight towards Anti-Venom's direction, but while they were moving an incredible speed, Anti-Venom managed to dodge each of the tendrils by predicting what direction they are coming in from, soon enough he got close to Hybrid, where he then punched him directly in his stomach making the wall behind Hybrid crack due to the force behind Anti-Venom's punch, from that first punch, Anti-Venom through another but at Hybrid's face this time, which launches him through the wall which made him hit and roll onto the ground until he fell off the ledge, but even after falling his tendrils launched themselves up on to one of the floors, which then swung him into one of the floors below, now being on solid ground he picked himself up and saw some of the construction workers, way awkwardly raised his right hand and wave at them.



But right after saying that one word, the feeling above cracks and breaks through, from that happening hybrid slowly looked over his shoulder where he then saw Anti-Venom towering over him.


"Oh come on!"

Anti-Venom those are right hook straight towards Hybrid head, but from seeing it coming he quickly duck down and spun around where he then kicked Anti-Venom in his stomach, pushing him all the way back to the to the ledge where he was about to fall but but quickly begun regaining his balance, from seeing that Hybrid faced towards him, but while doing so he remembered the construction workers that were right behind him.


"All of you!, Evacuate the building now!"

Hearing that they did not waste any time since they didn't want to get in the middle of this fight, as all the construction workers began to leave, hybrid came up with an idea by launching two of his tendrils to the side which then begin to wrap themselves onto some pillars, from doing that hybrid began walking backwards which started to stretch out his tendrils, but while he was doing this Anti-Venom soon regained his balance, where he then took a step forward away from the ledge, but after doing so he looks straight ahead and sees Hybrid walking back which confused him at first until he noticed his tenders wrapped around from pillars, which soon made him realize what he was doing, so as he was about to get out of the way, it was already too late as Hybrid sudden slingshotted himself straight towards Anti-Venom, where he then tackled him out of the building, from doing so they both began falling straight towards the ground, but while falling hybrid began punching Anti-Venom in his face over and over again, but while doing so he noticed that he was beginning to get closer to the ground as well, so as one of his tendrils came out from his back, it launched itself straight towards an exposed pipe that was sticking out of the building, from that happening he began to get pulled off Anti-Venom as he was fine, but right when he was being to be pulled off Anti-Venom grabbed Hybrid by his ankle.


"If I'm coming down, then you're coming with me!"


"Sorry I don't think so."

Anti-Venom's wrist was then cut off by one of Hybrid's tendrils, making him continue his fall down, soon enough he hits the dirt ground, which makes a huge cloud of dust form below, seeing that, Hybrid begin to descend down the building with the help of his tendrils, soon enough he gets so close to the ground that he detaches his tendrils from the building and lands on to the ground, as Hybrid was now on the ground all he could see was just dust floating all around him, for while standing there, an ear piercing sounds struck Hybrid which hurts him and Twice, hearing this sound repeat itself, Hybrid fell to his knees and begin to expose parts of Twice's body.


"Hybrid!, What's going on!"

Hybrid was unable to respond back to Twice due to the piercing sound which ran through them, eventually Hybrid went completely back into Twice's body, exposing him out in the open, from this happening he began to pick himself up ballista but we're still being affected by the sound, but suddenly the piercing sound stopped along with the pain that Hybrid and Twice was experiencing.


"(Panting) hey Hybrid, it's not now you could come ou-"

Suddenly a metal pipe pierces right through Twice's chest, making him lean back as it also pierce the ground.


"W-what... the hell?"

Right after saying that, he was then grabbed by his chin, and had his head turned to the left or he then saw Anti-Venom.


"Haha, looks like I'll be getting stronger again."

With that said, Anti-Venom began to open his jaw all the way and lean close to Twice's head, as Twice was looking right into Anti-Venom's mouth, he's suddenly saw it thin tendrils appear from the side which then wrapped wrap themselves around Anti-Venom's mouth.


"Got them!"

Anti-Venom was then pulled back and away from Twice, from that happening he was now on the ground way then grab the tendrils that were in his mouth and ripped them out, after doing so he stood right back up and look towards the direction the tendrils came towards, doing so he sees a silhouette of three people who are giving off a familiar scent.


"So you finally found me, Venom!"

With a large gust of wind blowing the dust, it revealed Venom, Toxin, and Mania.


"You've been expecting us haven't you?"


"Yes I have, but you three aren't the only ones."

From saying that, the gust of wind blows all the dust away revealing all of the league of symbiotes, who have surrounded Anti-Venom and Venom as well.


"Well, well, looks like we'll be killing two birds with one stone.

With all nine symbiote now together, they knew this was going to be a giant clash between apex predators.

~To be continued~

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