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With Anti-Venom being pinned down by Hybrid, Sleeper was struggling to break free from Carnage's tendrils.


"The more you struggle, the more my tendras keep tightening around!"

Even from hearing Carnage say that, Sleeper was not going to giving up that easily, so using all of his strength he took a step forward and even pulled Carnage who surprised from being pulled forward.


"You're really strong, Tsu!"

With Carnage saying Tsuyu's nickname once again, Sleeper gained the strength he needed to break free from the tendrils on his right arm, from breaking free he turned and grabbed hold of the other tenders wrapped around his other arm, doing so Sleeper held them so hard that he flings Carnage aside, snapping the other tendrils wrapped around him as Carnage was tossed to the side, now free from the tendrils sleeper ran towards Anti-Venom and Hybrid, where he then kicked Hybrid directly in the face, sending him flying directly towards a bulldozer which he soon slams against and ends up falling to the ground, from that happening people reach down and pulled Anti-Venom up on his feet.


"You okay?"


"Yes, but we didn't need your help."


"Didn't look that way to me."

As they looked at one another with threatening eyes, both of them then heard roars coming from behind there backs, so they swiftly turned around and went back to back to see their opponents.


"Listen, me and you may not be on the same side but for now we are, so let's try to work together to defeat these two."


"But once we're done here I'm going to-"


"Yeah, yeah I know, we'll deal with that later."

With their Carnage and Hybrid ready to strike, Sleeper and Anti-Venom made the first move by charging their towards them head on, with Carnage and hybrid seeing this they went ahead and charge them as well, as Carnage and Sleeper were about to clash against one another, Carnage was quick to act by leaping up into the air and landing right behind Sleeper who then quickly turned around while throwing a punch, but from seeing this coming, Carnage duck down and sweeped Sleeper's feet, making them fall to the ground, with his back on the ground, Carnage quickly got on top and swiped at Sleeper's face with its sharp fingers, from doing so it exposed half of Tsuyu's face which makes Carnage reveal half of Toga's who is smiling who is smiling directly at Tsuyu.


"It really is good to see you again Tsu."


"I told you, only my friends get to call me that!"


"But that's where we are, friends."


"You are no friend of mine."


"You don't really mean that do you?"


"I do mean it?"


"Oh, if that's the case, then I guess it's okay to kill you!"

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