No One Kills You But Us

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As Deku was making his way back to the building of where he was, Venom suddenly caught scent of a symbiote.


"Izuku, another symbiote is close by."

Hearing this, Deku was surprised, so he made his way into an alleyway and hide behind a dumpster, if I'm doing that Venom's head came out of his chest.


"Are you sure you caught a scent of a symbiote?"


"I am sure."


"Who's then."


"The scent is faint so I cannot tell who it is from, but I could locate which direction it's coming from."


"All right then, but once we locate where the scent is coming from we'll find the others and tell them about it."


"Fine then hurry before I lose the scent."


"Okay let's go."

With that said, Venom went back into his chest, letting Deku run out of the alleyway.


"All right Venom where to!?"


"Go right!"

Deku does as Venom says as he then turns to the right and begins running towards that direction, as he continued running on Venom was beginning to pick up the scent even more.


"Continued running ahead and turn left at the next crosswalk!"


"Will do!"

As Deku continued running ahead he soon he soon reached the crosswalk Braden turn left and began running towards that direction, he continued running through that direction for a couple of minutes until Venom was beginning to smell the scent of more clearly now."


"They're close keep going!"


"All right!"

Saying that, Deku then begin running even faster than before, so fast that people couldn't even see him coming, eventually while he was running he suddenly ran past where the scent was coming from.


"Izuku stop!"

Hearing Venom say that, Deku stops running completely, he then begin catching his breath.


"You just ran past with a scent was coming from, go back."


"(Panting) okay."

Deku swiftly turns around and began retracing his steps until Venom told him to stop."


"Stop!, We're here."

From hearing that, Deku turn towards an abandoned building which is fenced off.


"So this is where the scent is coming from?"


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