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As Deku just got off the train, he begin leaving the train station to walk back home, while walking he was on his phone looking at some text messages he recently got from Momo.

~Momo's text message~

"Hey Midoriya, are you home yet?"

~Deku's text message~

"No not yet, but I'll be there soon."

~Momo's text message~

"Good, I'm just checking up on you and everyone else, since when we departed from one another, me and Scream had a strange feeling."

~Deku's text message~

"What about?"

~Momo's text message~

"I don't know, when I felt that strange feeling it only happened for a second, which made me think was probably nothing, but later on I started to get worried so I decided to text everybody to see if they were okay."

~Deku's text message~

"Ah I see, well I'm fine."

~Momo's text message~

"Well if that's the case, then I guess there's truly nothing to worry about, I'll see you tomorrow then."

~Deku's text message~

"Yeah you too."

With that last message sent, Deku turned off his phone and placed it back into his pocket and continued walking back to the apartment complex he lived in, after a couple minutes later he's still arrived at the apartment complex and began heading up the stairs until he reached his floor, but as he stood in front of the door of his apartment, he hear a voice other than Venom in his head.


"Behind you."

Hearing that unknown voice, Deku slowly turned his head around and saw a outline of a large person standing at the ledge of the neighboring apartment complex, as he continued looking at this person he noticed there bright red eyes staring right at him.


"Venom, is that person a symbiote?"


"Yes it is, but I don't sense any dangerous than it."


"Then why is it here?"


"I have no idea?"

Suddenly Deku and Venom then heard that unknown voice again.


"Follow me."

Hearing that they then begin to see the person on the rooftop beginning to run, so Deku takes off his backpack and placed it by the door of his apartment, afterwards he then grabs on to the rally and jumps over and begin to fall all the way down to the ground, but as he was about to hit the ground, Venom soon covered Deku's entire body, landing on the ground with no harm, after doing so they looked up and some the outline of the person leaping off the apartment complex and towards the nearby park.


"Come on Venom let's go!"



Venom the squats his leg and leaps up into the air towards the same direction the person is heading towards, as soon as they landed at the park they saw the person beginning to run through the park, so they chased after them, as they rab towards the person, Deku and Venom noticed that they were a bit faster compared to the two of them, but they're able to keep up with the person as long as they don't slow down.

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