Fight On Momo Yaoyorozu

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After being launched out of the warehouse, Anti-Venom landed on a nearby rooftop Where you done picked himself up and decided to make a retreat, but while doing so he then began to hear Bakugou yell loud inside of him.


"Let me out you damn bastard!, I don't want any part of this!"


"It's too late Katsuki, when you agreed upon my offer of getting stronger, you signed your life away to me, so we don't plan on separating anytime soon."


"You damn son of a bitch!, I'll kill you!"

Bakugou attempted to shoot up an explosion well inside of Anti-Venom, but for some reason his explosions were not going off not even letting out a single spark.


"It is futile to use your quirk in me."


"What the hell did you do to me!?"


"I have simply taken over all senses from within your arms, so you won't be able to move your arms or even use your quirk, so fighting me is futile, just give in and let me take control."


"Screw you!, I rather die then for you to be in control!"

While Bakugou continued yelling out, Anti-Venom was beginning to get farther away from the warehouse, but unbeknownst to him he was being followed the entire time, and from being clueless from this he was beginning to think he was now safe, but suddenly he was then tackled off of the rooftop and through a window, after that he was pinned to the ground, he looked up to see the one responsible for this and saw Scream herself staring right at me.


"Remember me?"


"Of course, now get off!"

Anti-Venom tucked in his legs and kicked Scream off of him, doing so Scream breaks through a wall, giving Anti-Venom enough time to kick himself up and look over to the wall Scram broke through, while looking towards there he did not see her emerge from out the wall, so he takes one step forward but doing so multiple tendrils shout out from the broken wall and wrapped around Anti-Venom's body, before he could attempt to try to break free from the tendrils, he was then lifted off of his feet and was beginning to get slammed against the walls, the ceiling, and the floor.


"You really think you're pathetic strength could beat me!?"

Scream says that as she finally emerges out of the broken wall with her hair being the tendrils wrapped around Anti-Venom's body, she continues slamming Anti-Venom against the walls, ceiling, and floor until eventually she slammed him so hard against the floor that he ended up breaking through it and ended up on the floor below them, after being slammed straight through the ground the tendrils around his body begin unwrapping around his body as they were then being to go through the broken floor that Anti-Venom broke through, while laying there he struggled to pick himself up, but while trying he looked up and saw Scream looking down at him, he then sees her jump up and straight towards the whole feet first, seeing this Anti-Venom knew he couldn't just get up and jump out of the way, instead he managed to roll out of it the way letting Scream's feet slam against the floor, from that happening Anti-Venom rolled all the way against a wall which he then used to help himself up, but right when he got back on his feet he was punched in the face so hard that he broke through the wall behind him two more after that, after that Anti-Venom started picking himself up, doing so he looked through the walls he broke through and saw Scream beginning to walk towards him, looking at her he knew she was a formidable opponent, but he wasn't going to let her have her way any longer with him, so with his right foot kneeling down and is left firmly planted on the ground, he used his right foot to launch himself up and towards Scream where he sprinted towards her with his right hand reaching out to her, but as soon as he got close enough Scream suddenly let out a screech so powerful that it launched Anti-Venom back to where he was and pins him against the wall, from this happening Anti-Venom looked straight towards screen and saw her still advancing towards him, as he was seeing this so was Bakugou who was actually rooting for Scream.

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