On A Short Time

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While Shigaraki stood on top of the rooftop looking out to the city, Lasher soon appeared behind him.


"Lasher, why are you here."


"I came here to report to you that I've located Venom and his friends."


"Is that so, where are they heading?"


"To the East part of the city, where Twice and Hybrid are located at the moment."


"I see, go tell the others about this."


"As you wish, but what about you?"


"I'll be heading there myself."

Hearing that, Lasher than leaped away, leaving Shigaraki by himself on the roof.


"Let's go, Riot."


"Copy that."

With that said, Riot came out of Shigaraki's body and covered him head to toe where he was then fully revealed.


"We're coming... Venom"

Riot then begin leaping up and landing on different buildings making his way over to the east side of the city.

~East side of the City~

Meanwhile Twice was walking through the streets calmly, but while doing so Hybrid found where Anti-Venom was located.


"Jin, I've located at Target."


"You have?, Where are they?"


"Up there."

As hybrid said that a small tentacle came out from Twice's neck where then moved his head towards a construction site of a building which is a cross the street, and even begins raising his head to look up at it.


"So they're up there huh?"




"Well now that we know where they are now I guess we got to go report this back to Tomura and Riot."

From twice saying that he was about to turn around and walk away, but before you could hybrid quickly warranty about something.


"Jin wait!"


"What?, Why?"


"I've picked up the scent of three other symbiote heading towards our location."


"Could it be the others?"


"No it's not, these are unknown scents that I've never encountered before."


"Then if it's not one of ours, it could be."


"The enemy."

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