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Deku slowly begins opening his eyes due to the sound of beeping, as his eyes were not fully open he saw a ceiling light shining on him.

~All Might~

"Looks like you're finally awake."

From hearing that voice, Deku looks to his right and sees the small and skinny version of All Might sitting on a stool by the bedside.


"All Might?"

~All Might~

"Yes it is, it's good to see that you're awake young Midoriya."


"Where am I?"

~All Might~

"You're in the hospital, you were brought here hours ago, you don't have any major injuries you were just exhausted, but you do have one injury and it's the palm of your right hand."

With All Might saying that, Deku looks down at his hand which he then raised up and saw that it was wrapped in bandages, but while looking at it he remembered what happened to Venom, from remembering that he places his left hand over his eyes breathing begin shutting tears, All Might sees this and moves the stool a bit closer to the bed as he then placed his hand onto Deku's shoulder.

~All Might~

"Midoriya, I know what happened to Venom."

Hearing All Might say that, Deku lowers his hands from his eyes to look over at All Might.


"You do?"

~All Might~

"Yes, young Bakugou told me everything that happened."

From the mention of Bakugou, Deku sit up and wipe off his tears as he then looks over at All Might.


"Is he all right?"

~All Might~

"Yes he is, he told us everything that happened in the city by his perspective, even mentioning that Anti-Venom was in control the whole time, meaning that he will not be held responsible for for Anti-Venom's actions."


"(Sigh) that's good to hear, how about the others?"

~All Might~

They're doing quite well, at the moment they are in separate rooms recovering from exhaustion?"


"And what about the league?"

~All Might~

"Don't you worry, all four villains have been captured and I being transported to Isengard Penitentiary."


"All four huh?"

From Deku say that, he would cause the fifth person they missed.


"I'm sorry but you missed one of them, Himiko Toga, she escaped with her symbiote once me and Venom took our eyes off of her."

~All Might~

"I see, well we'll have to track her down and put a stop to her before her and that symbiote put innocence in danger."


"It'll be dangerous."

~All Might~

"I know, that's why I'll have the top pro heroes going after her."

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