Venom And Carnage VS Anti-Venom

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Around the same time Venom got into a situation, Mania returned to the rooftop and was surprised that Deku wasn't there, soon enough Toxin arrived as well and noticed that Deku wasn't here either.


"Hey where the hell are they?"


"We don't know we just got here."


"You think they went out to look for Anti-Venom's whereabouts?"


"No, Jiro says they're not stupid to do something like that."


"Then where the hell did they go?"

~Abandon building~

Meanwhile at the abandoned building, Venom and Carnage were fighting against Anti-Venom who was surprisingly holding their own against the two of them.


"Come on is that all the two of you have got!?"

Hearing this Venom and Carnage grew angry, so they glanced at each other and nodded their heads, after doing that the both of them then look straight towards Anti-Venom who they then began rushing towards, as they were getting closer and closer Carnage suddenly leaped straight towards Anti-Venom, from seeing that Anti-Venom opened his arms out widely as he then took a step forward to grab hold of Carnage once they got close, but as soon as Carnage was now in Anti-Venom's reach it then smiled as it shot out tendrils from its back and into the ceiling where then made its tenders to lift its body up to the ceiling, from that happening Anti-Venom stood there with his arm still wide open as he looked at that Carnage and realized he was tricked with a fake attack, and when suddenly grab and lifted off of his feet by Venom.


"Got you!"

As Venom carried Anti-Venom he kept running on a head until they crashed through a weak wall which sent them flying outside and falling to the ground, thing that they were both heading to the ground Anti-Venom started hitting Venom to try to break free, but the more he hit him the more his grip began to get tighter.





Will the Venom saying that, Anti-Venom still tried to break free by punching and kicking him, but breaking free was already too late, the two of them crashed down onto the ground which sent a large dirt cloud into the air, the first to emerge out of the dirt cloud was Anti-Venom, stepping out from that cloud he saw vehicle there are used to destroy your buildings, but while looking at them he was then grabbed by his right shoulder and turned around what he was then punched directly in his face sending him flying back and into a bulldozer.


"Have you forgotten we're not done here!"

Venom says that as he steps out from the large cloud, Anti-Venom looks over at him and pride himself out from the bulldozer, after doing so he then clenched his fists tightly and bent his knees where he then launched himself up and aimed straight towards Venom, but as he began heading straight towards Venom's direction, he was suddenly pierced by a metal rod that flew straight towards and sent him back to the ground, with his back onto the ground he looked down on his body and saw the metal rod lodged between his stomach and chest, seeing it he then began to move his left hand towards it to pull it out but before his hand could even get any closer to the rod another rod suddenly pierced his forearm and into the ground as well, from that happening from that happening he looked towards the direction where the rod came from and saw Carnage holding another rod in its left hand, but while looking at Carnage, he saw it's tendrils holding their own rods as well what's your aimed straight at him.


"Oh shit."

Carnage then through all the rods that it held straight towards Anti-Venom which which pierced his arms, legs and body into the ground making him unable to move.



Saying that Carnage leaps off from the side of the building and lands a few feet from Anti-Venom, seeing that he is unable to move Carnage started to approach him, while doing so it turned its hands into blades.


"We're going to make you into mince meat."

Well Carnage was approaching Anti-Venom, a hand suddenly grab hold of its right shoulder and making it stop it's approach, as it then turned its head to see Venom.


"We aren't killing him, not until we rip Bakugou out of that damn fake copy of me."


"Why make it complicated when we can easily finish him off right now."


"Because I am not killing my host's friend."

Hearing Venom say this, Carnage moves its shoulder making Venom let go, from that happening Carnage then looked up at Venom.


"Killing and eating is what our species does to live, and hearing that you don't want to kill one pathetic human, sounds completely otherworldly to me, so I'm going to kill that fake symbiote by eating it, and if I kill the host in the process then I'll care less."

From hearing Carnage speak this way, Venom begin getting really angry.


"Believe me when I say this, if you attempt to do as you say then I will stop you by ripping you off that girl and eat you alive."


"I like to see you try that... Father."

While the two looked at each other with murder attempts in their eyes, Anti-Venom begin removing the rods one by one with one of his tentacles, thin enough the rods that were embedded in his body where now out, so slowly and quietly got up and was deciding to leave since he knew he was outnumbered, but he knew if he did leave from the both of them will most likely come after him, so he then began thinking of an idea to try to immobilize them, while thinking he noticed the rods that piercing and came up with the greatest idea, so he kneel down and grabbed two rods with his hands and the rest with his tentacle, once all the rods are picked up he stood right back up and looked over towards Venom and Carnage.



From yelling that out, Venom and Carnage looked over towards Anti-Venom and saw that he was free, before they could attempt to stop him, Anti-Venom suddenly leaped up into the air and help all the metal rods up, seeing that Venom and Carnage prepare themselves for the incoming barrage, Anti-Venom then throws all the rods at the same time but they don't head towards the direction of Venom and Carnage, instead they pierced to the ground and form a circle around them, from that happening Venom and Carnage notice this as they looked at the rods with confusion, suddenly anti-venom lens right back to the ground and pulls one of the rods out from the ground, doing so he then slams it against two other rod making a loud sound which hurt Venom and Carnage at the same time, kind of work seeing that his plan is working he then begins running in a circle while hitting all the rods and making a surrounding sound that they couldn't escape from, as a sound of metal hitting one another continued, Venom and Carnage fell to their knees, doing so they began yelling out from the pain, soon enough they stop yelling out as they then fell to the ground completely and ended up going back into their host who then laid unconscious from experiencing the same pain there's symbiote went through, seeing that they are now unconscious Anti-Venom stopped what he was doing and dropped the rod, from doing so he was deciding that he should go over to them and eat them and their symbiotes so you can grow even stronger, but as he was thinking of doing so he then caught the scent of two other symbias heading straight towards this direction, not wanting to deal with any more symbial for today he decided to leave as quickly as possible, leaving Deku and Toga unconscious unconscious on the floor.

~To be continued~

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