Deku And Venom VS Bakugou

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After a few minutes of walking, Deku and Bakugou Soon arrived at the fake city were they then stood in the middle of the road.


"So what did you want to talk about Kacchan?"

As Bakugou's back was still facing Deku, he suddenly removed his hands from his pockets, and without a single word he turned around and raised his left handle which he then shot out an explosion from the palm of his hand straight at Deku, but before the explosion could even hit him, one of Venom's tentacles came straight out of Deku's back and grabbed on to a lamppost which then pulled Deku back from the explosion, after being pulled away he looked the back at Bakugou who had a serious expression on his face.


"Kacchan, what are you doing?"


"I was seeing if I was right and I guess I was, that thing you got isn't a quirk huh?"

Hearing that, Deku didn't know what to say.


"Answer me now Deku, or else I'll keep shooting you with my explosions until that thing comes out."


"All right fine, but I think it's better that we tell you."

Saying that, Venom's head suddenly came straight out of Deku's and looked over his shoulder as he then stared right at Bakugou.


"Looks like we meet again."


"Yeah whatever, now tell me what the hell are you."


"I am Venom and Izuku here is my host."


"Yeah I can see that but that doesn't explain what the hell you are!"


"Well I am a symbiote who from outer space, am purposes is to grow, but I cannot do that alone that's why I must attach myself to a host."


"So you like some sort of damn parasite."




"Kacchan, he doesn't really like to be called that."


"Well that's true he attached himself to something so he could grow sounds like a parasite to me, and that kind of reminds me of you Deku."




"You heard me, always trying to attach yourself to someone so you could get stronger, how pathetic, the two of you deserve each other."

Hearing Bakugou say this, Deku couldn't muster up the words to say something back to him, but Venom could.


"Hey!, Shut your mouth, I'll be all right if you call me a parasites but if you call my host one two then I will tear you apart lynn from lynn,


"I like to see you try, damn parasite!"

As Venom and Bakugou stared at each other with angry expressions, Deku jumped into this conversation so he could prevent a fight.

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