Where's Bakugou

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As Deku, Tsu, and Momo returned back to the dormitory, they were immediately flooded by their own country what questions of what happened since they weren't there to see the full fight between Venom and Anti-Venom.


"Midoriya!, Are you okay!?"

Iida says this as he then grabs hold of Deku's arms.


"Y-yeah I'm fine."


"Thank goodness, I'm worried about the two of you, are you okay as well?"


"Yeah we're good."


"That's right, so I don't think you should worry too much."


"I should worry, I am the class president after all and it is my duty to watch over my fellow classmates, and I was so worried when you two run back to class without telling us."


"Sorry we didn't tell you, but knowing that Midoriya was in trouble, we couldn't just evacuate without him."


"That's right, so we did the right thing helping our fellow classmate."


"That is quite know what to do, but if you told us you were going to do this and some of us would have gone with you to help Midoriya here."


"I'm glad to hear that you would have liked to help me, but with those two and a little help from another friend, we were enough to beat that thing."

Hearing that, Iida knew what Deku meant since he already knew that the other three had symbiote as well.


"Well if they were enough to help you in the end that I'm glad to know that."

With that said, Iida then let go of Deku's arms and stepped back as he then adjusted his glasses, after doing so the other classmates went up to them and began asking them.


"Hey what was that thing that attacked you, Midoriya?"


"Yeah it kind of look like your quirk."

Still not wanting to tell them the truth about Venom and all of the other symbiotes, Deku once again lied.


"Yeah I did kind of look like my quirk, but it turned out to be a Nomu who took shape of it."


"No way, does that mean the League of Villains were trying to attack us?"


"Well the teachers and the principal are not a 100% if that is the case, but he suggested that we should not talk about it to the public."


"It does make sense since all that's happened between our class and League of Villains."


"So what are we going to do since the class has been someone destroyed."


"Well principal Nezu said that we'll be taking a break until the classes are fixed, which if I had to take a guess wouldn't take too long."

We Are VenomOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora