We Saved The Day

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Hours have passed during the search for Anti-Venom but there was no luck of finding him at all, so from this Venom decided to head back to the top of the roof for him and the other separated, thinking that they didn't have luck and decided to head back as well.


"This sucks."


"I know Venom, but there's also tomorrow."


"True, but they probably won't be here tomorrow."


"Yeah you may be right about that, but then again they probably don't know that we're here."


"Sorry Izuku, but that's a chance I don't want to take, because if that damn symbiote catches a small scent of me or the others then you can say goodbye to Kacchan."

Hearing that Deku do a bit worried for Bakugou.


"Do you think Kacchan is all right?"


"I don't know, whether the symbiote is slowly consuming his body to stay alive or it is taking good care of him so it wouldn't bother of getting a new host."


"We have to fight him quickly."



While running on the rooftop, they suddenly heard a crashing sound in the streets below, so makes his way over to the ledge of the roof where he then sees a large garbage truck hitting cars out of the way.


"What the hell is this guy's problem!"


"I don't know but we should do something to try to stop that truck before it could really hurt someone."


"Whoa now Izuku, if we go down there and try to help, then Anti-Venom will most likely know that were here, and that's something we can't just let happen."


"But if we don't help then we can't call ourselves Heroes."

From hearing Izuku say that, Venom then remembered all the hard training they both did to get stronger.


"(Sigh) let's go!"

Saying that Venom jumps off the roof and head straight down to the streets, soon enough he lands in the middle of the street where the garbage truck began heading his way, seeing it coming he extends both arms out, after doing so the truck soon hits him, but he firmly held on to the front of the truck what he saw the driver with a panic expression on his face.


"Hey stop the truck!"


"I-I can't, the brakes aren't working!"

Hearing that, Deku and Venom know that they'll have to stop the truck with pure strength alone, so while still holding on to the front of the truck, Venom soon slammed both feet into the road as he was trying to stop the truck.


"Come on Venom we can do this."

As Venom was putting his strength on stopping this truck, he was still being pushed back, which made him begin to think that he won't be able to stop the truck at all with his strength alone, so he thought of an idea to try to move the truck to crash into a building which would most likely stop, so thinking of that idea he then looked behind him to see what building he should crash the truck in, but while looking beyond them she noticed a crosswalk and in the middle was a old lady and some children, from seeing that they were getting close Venom knew he won't be able to move the truck in time, so he decided to go back to his original plan by stopping it with strength alone, doing this again he was still being pushed by the truck.


"Damn it!, I can't stop it!"

As Venom was struggling to stop the truck, Deku soon figured out a way to stop the truck.


"Venom!, I need you to punch through the front of the truck now!"

With no time to ask why, Venom took his right arm off of the front of the truck has he been pulled it back and launched it straight into the front vents and through the engine which was destroyed on the impact, doing so the truck's speed begin slowing down until it came to a complete stop only inches away from the crosswalk where where the old lady and children look over at the truck and Venom who then pulled his fist out of the truck and turned around towards them.


"Hello there, I uh, stop this truck, so you're welcome I guess."

With the old lady and children just looking up at him, Venom decided to leave by leaping up into the air and landing onto the rooftop where he then began heading back to the others, but unbeknownst to him due to his heroic action there was people who recorded everything through their phones, after the recording they all immediately began posting it online for everyone of Japan to see.

~Underground hideout~

Inside of an underground hideout work where the league of symbiots who were still trying to make a new plan to face off against Deku and Venom, but while they were making their plan, Toga got bored and decided to without saying anything, after leaving the planning room she headed to another room which she has made her own, she lays down onto a sofa was she then tries to relax, but soon enough she heard Carnage speak to her inside of her head.


"I tired of this Toga."


"Yeah I know, but Tomura says we have to be patient."


"Screw that!, We should be out there bathing in the blood of our victims and slaughtering those who wish to oppose us!"


"Believe me, I want that too, so if we decide to leave then we won't get what we want, which is Izuku..."


"And Venom."


"That's right, so we have no choice but to stay here and wait."


"(Sigh) damn it."

Saying that Carnage silence itself, leaving Toga to relax on the couch, but while laying there there was another disturbance which was a dinging sound coming from the pocket of her sweater, she reaches her hand inside the pocket and pulls out her phone where she then sees a new notification of a recent video, seeing that she grows curious has she been taps on to the notification and opens up the video, from doing so she sees the same video that recorded Venom stopping the truck and saving an old lady and some children, as Toga saw that so did Carnage as well.


"Toga, It's them."


"Yeah I know, I should go show the others this."


"Wait!, If you show them then that will only keep us from our true goal."


"So what do we do."


"It's simple, we go after them ourselves, meaning will soon get what we truly want."

With hearing this tempting offer, Toga was willing to take it.


"All right let's do it."


"Hehe, I just knew you accepted, now let's go."

~To be continued~

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