You're Next

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After Deku's fight with Shinso, he went back to the waiting room he was in before his fight, once he was inside the room he leaned against the door he shut and begin to slide his back down against the door until he sat on the ground, as he sat there he looked up at the ceiling light and let out a breath relief.


"Hey Venom, you there?"




"I wanted to ask how you felt about Shinso and our fight with him."


"Well if that's what you want to know, I have to say the fight was much easier than I expected especially when you fell into his mind control, and my thoughts about him is that he is lacking in many things that the heroes have, which is strength, durability, and reflexes but besides that he has some good qualities to him, like his mind, determination, and most importantly his will."


"Hm, is there any way we can help him get into the hero course?"


"Perhaps we can talk to Aizawa or All Might about him, and if we are able to convince them then Shinso definitely be able to join the hero course."


"You're right, after the sports festival we'll talk to them about Shinso's transfer into the hero course."


"Right, but before that, I want to thank you for what you said."


"You don't have to thank me, actually it's you who have to thank, since you were the one to help me to get here after all."


"That is true, but if I didn't find you that night then I'll probably be dead, so I will find a way to thank you someday."


"All right, if that's what you want then I won't object to it, now come, let's head back to the stands where everyone else is."


"Right, but do you think we can head to the concession stand first?, I'm getting a bit... Hungry."


"Ha, all right then let's go."



20 minutes later, Deku returned to the stands with a bunch of food in his arms.


"Hey guys."


"Oh hey there Dek-"

As some of his classmates turn to face him, they were shocked to see the large amount of food he had in his arms, he goes down the short steps and takes a seat which was next to Uraraka and Iida.


"Wow Midoriya, you sure have a lot of food with you there."


"Haha, yeah I guess I do, but I get really hungry after a big fight like that."


"Oh yeah, you usually eat large amounts of food after training."


"Yeah I do, uh would you guys like some too?"


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