Showing Our Strength

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After the calvary battle, Midnight announced the third and last event which was a full-on battle against students, but a few students that were in a team together chose not to move on, due to not remembering the calvary battle that they were just in, so Midnight announced their disqualification to the audience, after doing so she showed off the roster of who will be fighting each other.


"Okay, before the third and final event starts there will be a short break for the students and audience."

After she announced that the students and audience were going to take their breaks, so as Deku was going to the others, he suddenly stopped when he heard a voice call out to him.


"Hey you."

Deku turns around and sees a boy with purple hair looking at him.




"It looks like the two of us will be going ahead against one another."

Hearing that, Deku looks back at the roster and sees his name next to Hitoshi Shinso, who is the same person he is talking to right now, so knowing that he looks back at him."


"Oh, I guess we are."


"Yeah, you mind if I ask you a quick question?"


"Huh, wha-"

Suddenly Deku's mouth was then covered, he looks to his right and sees his classmate, Mashirao Ojiro who is using his tail to cover Deku's mouth.


"Don't say anything to him Midoriya."

Deku was confused on why he said that, but once he looked back at Shinso, he saw him smirk over to them, afterwards he then walked away without seeing a word.


"Midoriya, I have to tell you this now, that Shinso guy."

He said that as he begins to remove his tail from Deku's moth.


"What do you mean?"


"I was in that guy's team or I was forced to be on his team."




"I don't know if I'm right or not, but I think his quirk has to be some sort of mind control, so whatever you do don't answer any of these questions."


"Okay, I won't."

So now knowing that, Deku went towards to the others while Ojiro went to go take your seat in the stand, after a few minutes the break ended, and right away the third event started with Deku and Shinso facing off against each other on a rectangular platform where they will be fighting, as the buzzer rang to start their fight, they just stood there looking at each other, but suddenly Shinso began to speak to Deku.


"Izuku Midoriya, the student that single-handedly drove away the villains, it must be nice to have a flashy quirk that could do that, unlike that tail guy."

As he said that, Deku slowly begin to get angry at him, as he begins speaking badly about Ojiro.


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