We Are Your Enemy

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After a few short days the classes that were slightly destroyed were finally fixed, meaning all the students return to their classes, but as the students of 1A returned to their classroom, Bakugou was the only one that didn't come back the class once it was fixed, Aizawa noticed this once he stepped inside the class and took attendance, asking where he was, Kirishima fed up from his desk and answered his question by telling him that he was at his parents house, and even mentioned that he called and text him about the class being fixed but there was no response from him at all, hearing this Aizawa you suspicious since this was the first time he heard about this, but since class was starting he had no choice but to ignore the situation for now, so he eventually started teaching his students, throughout the morning classes went on as usual with basic lessons being taught, but as hours passed and it would nearly time for lunch, Deku and Venom suddenly felt that presence coming near again.


"Izuku, it's here."

From hearing this, Izuku suddenly raised his hand which Aizawa then saw.


"Do you have a question Midoriya?"


"N-no I don't, I was just wondering if I could go use the bathroom."


"Lunch will be in a few minutes can't you hold it in until then."


"Sorry I can't."


"(Sigh) fine, make it quick."


"Yes sir."

Deku got up from his chair and then made his way over to the door were he then opened it and stepped out into the hallway, doing so he then ran from the opposite way from where the restroom is.


"All right Venom where's it at?"


"The scent is faint but it's very nearby."


"All right lead me to it."


"Copy that."

So as Deku continued running through the hallway, he began getting near the stairway, but as soon as he got close that's when him and Venom felt Anti-Venom's presents coming up the stairs, so Deku backed up and prepared himself for Venom it was also waiting to come out, but instead of seeing Anti-Venom come up the stairs they then saw Bakugou instead, which made Deku quite confused knowing that Anti-Venom's presents was coming up the stairs and not Bakugou's, while looking at him, Bakugou quickly noticed him as he then stared straight at Deku.


"Well, well, looks like I found the two parasites."


"K-Kacchan, you're here."


"Of course I am, why the hell are you out here, shouldn't you be in class with the others?"


"Well I... Uhh..."


"Sensed something?"

Hearing Bakugou say that, Deku was caught off guard from not expecting him from saying.


"Judging by that stupid expression on your face, I'm guessing I'm right, aren't I?"

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