All Might VS Anti-Venom

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As All Might and a group of heroes where gathered a few blocks away from the warehouse they tracked Anti-Venom, they were preparing themselves to charge the warehouse and fight against Anti-Venom himself and even save Bakugou in the process as well.

~All Might~

"All right, I know all of you have been informed about the enemy we will be facing, but I shall repeat it since the enemy we will be facing is unlike no other."

From saying that, all of the heroes gathered in front of All Might.

~All Might~

"The enemy we will be facing is highly intelligent being from outer space named a symbiote, it survived by attaching itself to a worthy host that could withstand them, speaking of host, the host that the symbiote has chosen is one of my students from UA, Katsuki Bakugou, our duty here is to save him by separating him from the symbiote, doing so will be quite difficult since we simply can't just rip young Bakugou out from the symbiote, luckily we know knowledge of the symbiote weaknesses which are mainly fire and very loud noises, with knowing its weaknesses we'll be able to save young Bakugou and defeat the symbiote."



After that whole explanation, All Might and the rest of the heroes over to the warehouse, as soon as they were right outside the warehouse, All Might ordered two groups of Heroes to enter through the building from opposite ends, after doing so All Might and the remaining Heroes that were with him began making their way over to the front entrance, as they then stood in front of the giant door, All Might then pulled back his right arm and touch his face.

~All Might~


Yelling that out, All Might then then launched his fist straight at the door breaking it from it's hinges and sending it flying across the room, after that he then stepped inside with the heroes who followed him inside, from doing so they notice that it was completely quiet.


"All Might, are you sure that symbiote thing is here ?, It's very quiet ."

~All Might~

"Yes I am certain that it is here, all we need to do is find it."

So All Might and his group began heading deeper into the warehouse, but while they were traveling deeper into the Warehouse, they quickly noticed that that they haven't bumped into the two groups of Heroes who entered the warehouse through different entrances, so one of the heroes in All Might's group begin using their quirk to contact with two groups, but as the hero used their there was no response from either of the groups which was completely strange since they only saw them moments ago before entering the warehouse, so as the hero was about to report this to All Might and the rest of the group, All Might suddenly put his arm out which stopped all the other Heroes from walking any further.

~All Might~

"It is here."

With saying that, Anti-Venom suddenly crashed down from above in front of All Might and his group, well looking at him they and me we noticed that is hands with dripping fresh blood.

~All Might~

"I see now, you killed the other Heroes."

Anti-Venom doesn't respond back to All Might at all, but seeing the amount of blood that it has on itself, it is clear to see that it's answer is a yes.

~All Might~

"You'll pay for that."


"Oh will I?"

Hearing Anti-Venom's sarcastic tone, really ticked off All Might, so with his incredible speed he charged straight at Anti-Venom who even grabbed and lifted off of his feet, doing so All Might begin slamming Anti-Venom through some wooden crates, but while being slammed through some crates Anti-Venom began elbowing All Might's back so he could break free from his grasp, but from being hit so many times by his elbow, All Might smiling him through wooden crates until event the metal wall, doing so he unwrapped his arms around Anti-Venom's body and started punching him in the face left him right, but he then stopped as he then pulled his right fist back.

~All Might~


Yelling that out he slammed his fist right against Anti-Venom's face denting the metal wall that is the head was right behind, but while his fist was still against his face he then felt a punch straight to his gut, he looked down with his eyes and saw Anti-Venom's fist.


"So weak!"

Saying that Anti-Venom grabbed hold of All Might's right wrist and pulled his fist away from his face, exposing his unharmed face to All Might who is completely shocked, afterwards Anti-Venom pushed him back into some crates which then made him fall to the ground, have you laid on the ground he started to pick himself up, but right before you could pick himself up completely, Anti-Venom soon landed on top of him by slamming his foot right onto his chest making him cough out blood.


"I'll show you what real punches look like!"

Saying that Anti-Venom begin throwing punches straight at All Might's face over and over again, well being punched directly in his face he soon put his arms up to cover his face from the punches, but while laying there blocking the punches he started to reach his limits.

~All Might's mind~

"I'm reaching my limit, any more of this than I'm good as dead."

As All Might was struggling, the heroes he was with suddenly arrived, two of them used there quirks to shoot flames straight Anti-Venom, from being hit by the large amount of flames he is clearly uninfected by them, but is annoyed by them as he then stop punching to raise up his right arm to cover his face from the flames, but seeing this All Might founded clear opening to grab hold of Anti-Venom's neck right hand with his right hand, doing so Anti-Venom looked down at All Might and saw him pull back his left fist as he also saw his blue eyes glow and yellow Sparks began to come off of him.

~All Might~


As All Might through that punch straight at Anti-Venom's face, he was then lost all the way up to the ceiling which he broke through, after that happened All Might got back onto his feet, the other show is rushed over to him to see if he.


"All Might!, Are you all right!?"

~All Might~

"Yes I am fine, but all right now I need you to go after that symbiote right away!"


"Understood!, But what about you?"

~All Might~

"I'll catch up, now go!"

After All Might said that, the heroes then began running out of the warehouse, once they're gone All Might suddenly fell down to his knee has he then began to spew out steam has he then began to shrink in size and turn into his weakened state.

~All Might~

"(Panting) I cannot continue going on like this any further, I must find a successor soon."

~To be continued~

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