They Know

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After what happened in the USJ, Deku was praised for being the true hero of that day, his classmates even declared him the strongest in the class, but since Deku was only getting praised, Venom begin getting jealous of Deku since he didn't he didn't truly announce that Venom also was involve of saving the day, so while Deku was walking in the hallway on his own, he was then forcefully pulled under the stairs where no one can see him, once he was pinned against the wall Venom's head came out from his chest to confront Deku.


"You little brat!, How dare you take all the credit and leave me out of it!, I should tear out your heart and have it for lunch!"


"Venom come down, I have a very good reason why I didn't mention you."


"Well you better hurry and explain yourself quickly, or else I'll have your heart cooked medium rare and served on a plate with a side of fries!"


"Okay, okay, the reason why I didn't mention you was because I wanted to keep you as secret still."


"That wasn't the plan!"


"I know, but keeping you as a secret from what you are is the best option for us."


"Oh yeah, and why is that!?"


"Because if people found out that my quirk is actually an alien from outer space then there will be problems for the both of us."


"Damn it, I hate to admit it but you're right about that."


"Good I'm glad you think so."


"But still, it wouldn't kill you if you give some credit."


"All right I'll do that."

After that was said, Venom then went back into Deku's chest, once he did that Deku then walked out under from the stairs and continued his way through the hallway until he eventually he made it to his class where he continued his day like normal, but once class started Aizawa arrive to the class a bit late as usual but was kind of looking like a mummy with all the bandages he wrapped around his body since what happened at the USJ, as he stood in from the classroom though he announced that the UA sports festival will start a week from now which excited everyone in class to finally show off there quirks to the public, so throughout the entire class Aizawa began telling everyone about the sports festival and what what their roles are in the entire festival, once he finished explaining the school bell rung which was the end of school, so everyone in class began packing their things to head home.


"Hey Deku do you want to walk to the train station with us?"

Hearing that Deku looks over towards his right and sees Uraraka, Iida, Tsu, Denki, and even Mineta standing side by side looking over at, seeing this he couldn't help but to smile to know he has some friends.


"Yeah sur-"

Before Deku could finish his sentence Aizawa soon in front of him.


"Midoriya, I need to have a word with you in private about something very important."

Hearing how serious he sounded, Deku knew that it had to be something about the USJ.

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