Let Them Come

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As Deku, Shinso, and Jiro, left the internet cafe they then made their way into an alleyway where they then climbed a ladder up to the rooftop, from stepping foot on the rooftop they were soon met by The shining light of the sun.


"Man it's bright out here."

Shinso says that as he puts his hand up to cover his eyes from the sunlight, while he did this Jiro made her way in front of them to tell them where they could find Anti-Venom.


"All right you two, me and Mania discovered what part of the city Anti-Venom is hiding in, so follow us and make sure to keep up."

With that said, Mania came out of Jiro's body uncovered her head to toe, after doing so she turned her back to Deku and Shinso as she then bent her knees and leaked up into the air and landed on the roof across the street, from seeing her do that Shinso begin doing the same you been doing this song by letting out Toxin and letting him cover him head to toe and jumping to the other building, with those two on the other side, Deku was still on the main building where he was beginning to stretch, for doing so Venom begins speaking to him.


"It's so early, shouldn't we get breakfast first?"


"Venom, we had a bagel and a cup of coffee, I think that's enough breakfast to keep us going."


"But I'm still hungry!"


"Yeah I know you are, but we're in a rush right now, but don't worry I'll make sure we get some food this afternoon."


"You better or else-"


"Yeah, yeah you'll eat one of my organs I get the gist."


"Well all right then, let's get going."


"Whatever you say."

With that said, Venom covered Deku's face and began spreading throughout his body and growing in size until eventually Venom was now out in the open, as he bent his knees he then leaped up so high into the air that he went over Mania and Toxin and landed right behind them, from that happening they both turned around and saw Venom looking straight ahead.


"Well, lead the way Mania."

Hearing that, Mania felt a small spark of joy.


"Ha, whatever you say, pops."

Saying that she ran past Venom and leaped towards another building, from doing so Venom and Toxin begin following, while following her they began going deeper and deeper into the city, but from doing so they had no clue that they've been seen from a rooftop of another building.


"Hmm, looks like Venom isn't the only one here, well better head back and report this."

Lasher says this as he stands on top of a water tanker watching Venom and the others.

~East side of the city~

In the busy streets of the city filled with men and women dressed very professionally, was one of the members of the league of symbiote which was Twice who's wearing a high class suit which was actually his symbiote, hybrid taking form of the suit making him blend in with the crowd.


"Hybrid, you sure that symbiote is located here?"


"Positive, the scent of that symbiote is so strong here that I can practically lead us to his location."


"Well all right then, let's just hurry and find him."

From him saying that, hybrid could clearly tell there is worry in his voice.


"You sound anxious Jin, what is wrong?"


"N-nothing's wrong, I just want to get this done as possible."


"There is something wrong, tell me what it is, please, my friend."


"(Sigh) all right I'll tell you, ever since I became your host you've helped me a lot, not only physically but mentally, those voices I kept hearing in my head all the time went away because of you, for some reason you healed me from that and I'm really grateful to you for doing that."


"Well you are welcome my friend, but I feel that isn't everything you want to tell me."


"You're right, what I'm really worried about are the others."


"What makes you say that."


"Well when Tomura came to get me and the others who had symbiotes, I thought that they helped them too just like how you helped me, but the more I was around them I feel something was completely different with them, like they were barely themselves, for example Tomura has become more aggressive since the day I met him, Mr. Compress has turned quite dark by saying how he wants to mutilate others, and Spinner, he's become very distant, and don't get me started with Toga."


"I understand what you are saying, the reason your friends have changed is because of the symbiotes, they may have the ability to increase strength, stamina, and even heal severe wounds, but they also change you mentally."


"But how is that possible."


"Well the truth behind us symbiots is that we seek a host not only to live but to control and take over, but there are some symbiot that just wish to create a bond with their host."


"So like you and I?"


"Exactly, compared to the others, our bond is more stable, and I think our enemies might have the exact same bond we have as well."


"Hmm, you think so?"


"I'm not 100% sure but it is a hunch I have."


"Well if it's your hunch then I'll believe it."


"Thank you my friend, now let us continue our search, the scent is getting much stronger."


"Whatever you say buddy."

Forehead of them was a construction site of a building, and on the very top was was Anti-Venom who looked out at the city knowing there is more symbiote coming his direction.


"So they're coming after you, are you going to go run and hide again you damn bastard?"


"No, I've had enough of running, so let them come, so we could face them!"

~To be continued~

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