We Found You

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Eventually after minutes of walking, Deku and his group arrived where the tractor was was located, seeing that it's inside some sort of warehouse that is out in the open, allowing people to walk past it, Deku thought it was completely strange, but even so him and his group started their plan right away, so they went through a nearby alleyway where Deku, Momo, and Tsuyu let their symbiotes out covering their entire body which was still so surprising to see for Iida, Todoroki, and Shinso.


"All right, Scream, Todoroki head to the closest rooftop and start preparing."


"You got it."

With that said, Scream grab hold of Todoroki with her hair and leap into the air and landed on the rooftop.


"Sleeper, Iida stay on ground level and go the complete opposite way that Scream and Todoroki went and start preparing as well"



Iida and Sleeper then run straight out of the and began to find a perfect place to set up while making sure not to be seen by the public.


"All right, now that the others are preparing, that only leaves the two of us."


"Yeah it does, now let's go before everyone else is done preparing."



Venom grab hold of Shinso and lift up in the air and landed on the rooftop where he then began running over to the rooftop of the warehouse, reaching the edge of the building they were on, Venom grab hold of Shinso once more and and jumped over to the roof of the warehouse with Shinso in hand, as soon as Venom landed on the rooftop, he let go of Shinso, allowing the two to go over to a skylight, doing so they look through the glass of the skylight and sees some sort of containers down below.


"What is that down there?"


"Let's find that out."

After saying that, Venom placed the tip of his fingers against the gaps of the skylight we're only the tip of his fingers begin to slip through and unlock the skylight from the other side.


"Hehe, open sesame."

Venom goes ahead and opens up the skylights where he retracts his fingertips.


"Well that's one way to get in I guess."


"It sure is, now come on let's welcome ourselves in."

From saying that, Venom grab Shinso's hand and the edge of the skylights where he then began to lower himself and Shinso while stretching out his arm, soon enough the two reach the ground, making Venom let go of Shinso's hand and then edge which extended his arm back to him, with the two now inside, they begin to speak to each other with a low tone.


"All right, now that we're in let's try to keep everything quiet."


"You got it, but first."

As Venom said that he began to shrink his body to match Deku's own body, from doing this Venom begin to open his mouth up so widely that Deku's head began to emerge out of Venom's mouth, and eventually Venom's head was gone leaving only his body with Deku.


"Whoa, that's a pretty neat trick."


"Yeah I guess it is, but this will help us stay undetected."


"Good point, now let's hurry up and find your friend."


"Yeah let's go."

As the two were quietly making your way through the warehouse, they began noticing to take notice of the containers they saw from above, from a closer inspection they finally realize that the containers were had Nomus inside.


"What the hell, are these those monster that those villain guys use?"


"It looks like it, but we can't worry about that right now we need to focus on finding Kacchan."


"All right, whatever you say."

So while walking through the warehouse, Venom began to speak to Deku.


"Izuku, I've picked up a familiar scent"


"Is it Kacchan?"


"I don't know?, It's faint but it's close."

Hearing this, Deku quickly grab hold of Shinso's left shoulder, making him look back at Deku.


"Venom said he picked up a faint scent, it could probably be Kacchan?"


"Well lead the way you two."

Deku nods his head from hearing Shinso say that and take his hand off of his shoulder where he then begins to lead him towards the direction the scent is coming from, eventually they found where the center is coming from and it was right behind a metal door which was locked, so once again Venom used his fingers to unlock the door through the keyhole, after hearing the door click, Venom's fingers retracted back and Deku proceeded to open the door slowly, from doing so light begin to shine into the room as Deku was opening the door, as the door was now halfway open, Deku stuck his head inside the room.


"The scent... It's just up ahead."

Hearing Venom say that, Deku completely opened the door all the way, from doing so the light shined into the room further on making Deku and Shinso see a small cage in the center of the room, and inside that cage was a person who was completely unclothed I've had their back facing the two.


"Oh shit."

Shinso runs over to the cage to get the person out, for what he did that, Deku stood at the doorway and was listening to Venom speak to him.


"I'm sorry Izuku..."

As Venom said that Shinso was beginning to drag the person in the cage out, which Deku finally realized who it was.


"It's not Bakugou."

From hearing that, Deku's looks at Shinso who is taking off his jacket and placing it over Ragdolls body.

~League hideout~

As League of Villains attempted to try to recruit Bakugou to their rent, it went completely wrong when Shigaraki ordered Dabi to let him, which Dabi ordered Twice to do it instead, from being let free he attacked Twice and Shigaraki, from him doing this Shigaraki ordered Mr. Compress to seal him away again in a marble, but before they could they were interrupted by knocking the door which claimed to be a pizza delivery, but only seconds later after hearing that, the wall to the bar breaks open by no other than All Might himself, before the villains could react to this, grabs hold of them all, and before any of the villains who could use there quirks the break free from the branches, work quickly knocked out by Gran Torino, and from that happening it was clear to see that the heroes have now captured the league of villains, but as Shigaraki saw this he was completely enraged and so was Riot as well, but before Riot could come out, black goo began coming straight out of all the League members mouths cover them completely and teleporting them away, but not only the League members, the black goo began teleporting Bakugou as well.

~To be continued~

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