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Taehyung secretly went to y/n in the outhouse. She needed him the most. It's very uncomfortable for her to sleep with a huge belly. By the way, they did not have a gender reveal as Taehyung wanted it to be a surprise for them. Taehyung cuddled y/n to sleep who was doing nothing but changing sides.

They slept for almost 7 hours together and in the early morning at 4, he had to go back to the mansion.

When the sun rose, the men were in the meeting hall. Mr. Kim sat on the king's chair and the 7 boys stood in front of him.

" I have a task that needs to be fulfilled. It's a one day task. You need to go to every territory and take the details of the mafia group participating in the league. You have to send it to Taehyung. Meanwhile, he will hold a meeting in the meeting room and explain each and every detail to the guards. Some of them might attack us before or after the league. We need to be prepared very well. " The old man spoke.

It seemed genuine to the boys since they all would have done it today or tomorrow on their own. As soon as the task was assigned, the boys left and so did Mr. Kim. Taehyung told his guard to call his men.

Taehyung was holding a meeting, his brothers were out for the task and he himself went to the company. The meeting was filled with a dark aura and it was peacefully being conducted. 2 heavily built up guards were guarding the hall. Suddenly They all heard a commotion at the door. There stood a woman with a bleeding head.

" Please let me meet the king. She'll die. Taehyung! Taehyung! Taehyung"  the woman pleaded in front of the guards who were not allowing her to meet Taehyung. So, she started taking his name loudly making him recognise her voice as he wasn't able to see the woman because of his guards.

He stood up and ran towards the entrance only to witness Hani with a bleeding head. She spoke up before he could ask something.

" Taehyung! Y/n! Help her immediately. Go. She'll die. Come!"

Taehyung frowned and looked at her and ran with her to the outhouse. As he was coming closer, he was able to hear screams and help of pain. The guards guarding the outhouse were not allowing him to enter.

He death glared at them which made them scared so they had to. He immediately dashed up to y/n's room. She was still in her nightsuit she wore yesterday. She was covered with the sheets and was crying out of pain and sweating alot. She was in her labour pain. Taehyung removed his blazer and went near her.

He caressed her forehead.

" Breathe. Breathe sweetheart breathe. Follow me." He made an O shape and showed her how to breathe.

She copied him. He was still caressing her head and held her hand.

" Noona, call the hospital, tell them we-"

" We can't call. Signal and internet jammers are connected in the outhouse."

" What? Go inside the mansion and then inform Jaehee noona. She'll do it."

Taehyung checked y/n's dilation and it seemed like it was about 7 cm. There was still more to go.

" Noona has gone to the-" taehyung was cut off by a gunshot followed by Hani's scream. He peeked through the balcony and saw that the guards have killed her.

He took his gun from the side table and shot the guards. He ran out and called Jackson who did not pick up the call. Not only Jackson, none of the doctors answered the call. He went inside the mansion and yelled Jaehee and Minji's name. All the girls were with Haerin and came out together.

" What happened Taehyung-ah? What are crying? You okay?" Mira asked concerned.

" Y/n is in labour. I need your help. Please help me save my wife and my child."

Taehyung fell down as his knees felt weak and he was joining his hands. They called the doctor but no-one picked the call.

" Let's go" Seulbi said and all the girls including Haerin ran towards the outhouse. They heard y/n's painful cries as they neared to the place and saw dead bodies.

" I want a big bowl of hot water, scissors, a big cloth, drying clips" He spoke.

Jaehee heated the water, Seulbi bought the scissors and Haerin bought the cloth. He took Mira, Nabi, and Minji with him.

They were in tears seeing this condition of y/n.

" Noona, when the things arrive, just spread her legs as wide as she can and hold her hands and back to support it. I'll do the delivery."

Both the noonas looked at each other and then at Taehyung who was in tears. They saw it. He was trying to give some motivation and energy to Y/n when he himself was at the verge of breaking down. Jaehee, Seulbi and Haerin bought the things. Nabi was holding her hand and caressing it by talking to her.

"Seulbi, keep caressing her head. Haerin noona and Jaehee noona, hold her legs wide. Don't put too much pressure as wide as she could!"

He spoke and checked her dilation. It was completely dilated. He bought some warm water in contact with her cervix so that the skin becomes a bit soft and loosen up.

" Push! Y/n slowly, try to push the baby down. Good. Keep on trying!"  Taehyung spoke.

He helped her by applying external pressure on her stomach in a downward motion.

" Y/n, keep doing. I know you can do this. Come on! Do it for me, for our child"

" It's painful" y/n cried. Seulbi who was caressing her head was crying hard too.

" Y/n, I can see the baby's head. Push. Com'on push."

Y/n pushed with all her might buy still only the baby's head came out. She was losing her breath and energy. She was closing her eyes due to tiredness and fatigue. Taehyung took the water from the jug and sprinkled on her face.

" Seulbi, keep on giving light slaps. Don't let her sleep, otherwise she'll die!"

Y/n was concious because of continues slaps and water being sprinkled.

" Y/n push. Last 2 hard pushes and it's over. You know, our promise. Please do it for me. For us."

Y/n nodded her head and and pushed.

" Y/n one last push. The baby is almost out."

Y/n collected her strength and pushed hard. As soon as the cries of a baby were heard in the room, y/n...

27 Feb 2023
! Non edited!

To be continued...

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