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Y/n was horrified with what she noticed. The sheet had a blood patch and Taehyung's dick also had a bit of blood on its tip.

" B-blood..."

Fear was visible on her face. She looked at Taehyung with worry. He cupped her face and gently made her sit on his lap. He hugged her and called her down.

" Babe, you were a virgin right... So, it's normal for virgins to bleed on their first time. It's a good sign. You're healthy. Nothing is wrong. It's a sign that I took your virginity and you took mine."

" Really? I took your virginity?" Y/n spoke as she was blushing. Taehyung hummed in response.

" Is it paining? You feel numb?"

" It's worth the pain. But it's a bit numb and am not able to feel my pelvis..."

" Let's get us cleaned up."

Taehyung lifted y/n in his arms and took her to the bathroom and made her sit on the counter. He took the soft face tissue and cleaned her. He cleaned himself as well. He washed her face and put some cream on her face.

" Wait here for 5 minutes." Taehyung spoke and ran out. Y/n being his obedient babygirl sat there.

Taehyung ran to his room and changed the sheets and the pillow covers. He picked up the towels and the bathrobe. The room smelled sex. He opened the windows and put the used sheets and other things in the laundry.

After a while, he closed the windows since it was a bit chilly. He sprayed the room freshner in the room.

" Tae baby~ where are you??" Y/n spoke from the bathroom. Her husband went to the bathroom and carried her to the bed. He gave her some painkillers to suppress the pain and plopped beside her covering them with the comforter.

They both cuddled each other.

" Sweetheart, you know today I got to know something new about you"

" What? Tell me~"

" Your kink..."

" Tae babe~~"

" Fuck!! Ahh!! Choke me daddy!! Fuck! Shit" Taehyung imitated her making her blush.

" You know, even I got to know something about you.." she spoke with a smirk.

" What?"

" That, you like it when I take the lead"

" No. I don't like it. I Fucking love it" he said with a cheeky grin.

" Let's cuddle to sleep. Tomorrow we have done important work and I will give you a tour of my company tomorrow."

" You own a company?"

" Hmm. The government and the police supports us. For the laws of the common people, government is there. People take their help first but if they are not able to help them after giving their best, they come to me for justice"

" Ohhh "

" Hmm... Nabi noona, is the daughter of the mayor. The government also at times follow our orders because we protect them. You know this mafia world is like the olden time's King and Kingdom like just with a modern tincture."

Taehyung spoke but got no response from y/n and soon heard cute little snores. He smiled and pecked her forehead and drifted of to sleep.


The next morning, y/n and Taehyung woke up. Y/n gave Taehyung his morning kiss which is his favourite thing to stay the day with. Both of them got ready and went down. They sat with everyone in the living room.

Everyone including them was laughing at Jungkook, whose eyes were swollen and puffed. The eyebags added more fun. He looked like a zombie.

" What happened to you Jungkook? Why are you- looking like a zombie?" Y/n spoke while laughing.

" It's because of you and your husband" Jungkook bluntly replied with the same expression. Now everyone was laughing at Taehyung, y/n and Jungkook. Y/n hid her face in Taehyung's chest as she was a blushing mess.

" Okay. Enough of jokes. Let's have our breakfast. We have work today in the company" Taehyung spoke coldly.

Everyone stopped and went to eat their breakfast.  As usual, the girls were talking about the latest LV and Stella McCartney bag. The boys were doing their business talks.

" Jaehee noona, I'll take y/n for the company tour. You guys can join as well and from there we all will go to Mr. Lee's house."

Everyone agreed to this idea. They quickly finished their breakfast and waited for Jungkook to get ready. As soon as he came down, all the couples left in separate cars.


The others reached before Taehyung as he had to stop by the medical store to buy some condoms and painkillers. Well it was Y/n's wish.

Taehyung told y/n to ask from the receptionist the way to his office and wait there since he had received an important call.

Y/n went to the reception and asked the woman at the reception desk.

" Excuse me, may I please know where Mr. Kim Taehyung's office is?"

" Why do you need to go to his office, miss?" The woman arrogantly replied.

" Umm... Why would I tell that to you... I can come and go whenever I want..."

" No you can't without an appointment. You would have to tell me because he is my boyfriend!"

" Excuse me? Your boyfriend? What the fuck bitch! Just tell me and continue your work. It will be for the best." Y/n spoke as she was angry at her for calling her Tae babe as her boyfriend.

" Did you just call me a bitch! You slut!" The woman angrily spoke.

This was enough for y/n. It has crossed the limit. Y/n scoffed and took a fistful of her hair and dragged her out of the desk.

" Leave me slut!" The woman shouted.

Y/n slapped her very hard. She slammed hey head on her desk only while she attempted to free herself from y/n.

" You slutty whore! Leave me!" The woman again spat and pushed y/n with all her might. Y/n summoned and fell down. The woman stepped on her hand with her heels. Y/n helped in pain. Suddenly a loud roar was heard...

25 Feb 2023
! Non Edited !

To be continued...

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