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" Taehyung, ask your brothers to bring me a proper proposal. I support you. My little baby grew up so well m" Mr. Kang kissed his daughter's forehead and the latter left.

Taehyung called everyone to Seokjin's room. He went there along with y/n who seemed a bit nervous. Within no time, his brothers came.

" Is there a problem Taehyung-ah?" Namjoon asked.

" Hyung, I love y/n and we want to get married today... With her... We talked to Mr. Kang and at first he was not accepting our relationship, but then he accepted it. He wants my family to bring a marriage proposal for y/n... The only family that might be happy with me and my decision is you guys and noonas... So... If you guys don't... I-" Taehyung was cut off by Hoseok who hugged him.

" What do you mean by might be happy? We are more than happy for our little Taehyungiee. We raised you well. We will talk and also call your noonas here. They will take less time because they will directly come here.
They will only take about 2 hours. We took 8 hours because we halted to have rest. Okay?"

Taehyung hug Hoseok back and Seokjin and Yoongi went to inform Taehyung's noonas.

Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, Jungkook went with Taehyung and y/n to Mr. Kang. They asked for y/n as Taehyung's bride. Mr. Kang have his daughter's hand for the marriage and told Lisa, Peat, and Hari about this decision. The girls went to decide the wedding gown for their bestie who was getting married while Peat was getting the church ready for the marriage.

Everyone in the Kang mansion was given some work. It was a private event that was to be held in front of family and friends only.

After about 4 hours, Taehyung's noonas and nephews and niece came to the Kang mansion. Y/n was getting ready and so was Taehyung.

In the evening, everyone reached the church. Y/n's father walked his princess down the aisle in the front of the altar where Taehyung was standing along with Jungkook and Jimin. Hari and Lisa were walking with y/n. Once they reached, Mr. Kang gave her hand in Taehyung's and spoke.

" Taehyung, I am entrusting my daughter and her life to you. Love her like this and protect her."

" I will protect my life" Taehyung gently replied.

The father in the church read the wedding vows. Taehyung and y/n exchanged the rings and sealed the promises with a beautiful kiss.

The kids, Jaeseok, Soojin, Jiyoon, Kijoon although were scared of Taehyung, y/n seemed nice to them. Still, they were scared because she was Taehyung's wife.

The newly wedded couple sat with the family along with the kids on a long dinner table. Everyone wished them a happy married life. The kids hesitated. Y/n who noticed this wanted to talk to them.

" What are your names guys? Let's be friends! What do you say little buddies?" She spoke sweetly.

The children wanted to reply politely. Their parents pestered them as well but when they saw Taehyung's cold face and felt dark aura, they hesitated more and stuttered.

Y/n felt something sad she saw this. She spoke in Lisa's ear.

" Lisa, bring the chocolate bars that I got from Paris for the kids. Please..."

Lisa stupid up and went. She came back with many chocolates and candies. Y/n have the sweets to the kids and kissed their cheeks.

Well one thing about y/n that everyone should know- y/n is very fond of kids.

The kids also kissed her cheek. Taehyung seemed to adore this. They all had their dinner peacefully and went to the Kang's abode to sleep. They all were leaving tomorrow morning.

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