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Today, Taehyung and the others decided to leave for Seoul. They were supposed to leave at night and it was day time.

Taehyung was in his cottage that was built right next to the hotel. He was in his office checking some files. His brothers were also with him only. The office was guarded nicely with men who were armed.

There was a commotion at the entrance of the office. A person was trying to get inside saying that they wanted to meet " THE KING; KIM TAEHYUNG".

However, Taehyung's men were not allowing the person to enter. The person took our their dagger and knife and fought with the buffed men on the entrance.

Taehyung and the others saw this but were still in their own world as they thought that their men can handle. The intruder was successful in entering the office but more men came and fought with the intruder.

Taehyung was watching every move of the intruder and somehow was impressed by the skill they possessed. The person was successful in defeating the men using only daggers.

The person approached Taehyung as well. Taehyung was not the king for no reason, his reflexes were no joke. As the person approached him, he immediately lifted his left leg upto the person's shoulder level and gave a strong and hard kick.

This made the person fall down with a load thud. Everyone was impressed by the skills the man possessed. Well according to them, the intruder was a man because no body was able to see his face due to the mask and the sun cap.

The moment the person fell on the ground, their cap fell off from their head and a whimper left their mouth which made everyone shocked.

" Ahhh "

The members told their men to leave for a while which they did. BTS was shocked to hear the whimper as it was too feminine and they were more shocked to see beautiful brown, heavy and long silky locks.


But rules are rules... Aren't they?

The girl got up and stops on her feet. She placed the dagger on the left side of Taehyung's chest and his brothers took out their guns and pointed at the daring girl.


The eyes... They speak... The tender and long fingers... They pierce... The dark brown silky hair... Aish... I just want to feel them and smell the addicting scent... But who is this girl... Her skills... They don't make her ordinary... It's like she is a socialite... A trained one... I have to see her face... Her charm... It's driving me crazy but man... The courage...


The girl pressed the dagger more in his chest and a thin line of blood came out from his chest and stained his white shirt. The other members were ready to sit here as 6 guns were pointed right on her head.

Taehyung hinted them through his eyes that they have to keep the guns down and they sighed and put the gun down.

" What are you doing" Taehyung asked the girl being cocky and got no words in response. Instead the dagger was pressed more. Taehyung smoothly and lightly kicked the girl so that she stumbles back.

As soon as this happened, Taehyung's reflexes were quick enough and he snatched the dagger from her hand. He pulled her towards him by her hand and swirled her around.

Her hand still in his hand, her back pinned to his front and the dagger kept on her neck. He made her the hostage of her own tricks!

The girl tried to free herself but in vain. Taehyung removed the black barrier named mask from the girl's face that blocked her beauty with the dagger he held in his hand.

He was shocked seeing the beauty in front of him. For him, she was ethereal. Her last try. She yanked his hand with all force as she found that his grip on her wrist loosened.

She turned around to face Taehyung and his members. Taehyung asked again.

" What is your name? "

" Who is the King Kim Taehyung among you all? "

The girl questioned. Taehyung stepped forward as he chuckled at her and spoke.

" You dared to put a dagger on Kim Taehyung's chest and make it bleed and now ask who he is "

" So, you are King Kim Taehyung "

She immediately sat on the floor with folded legs on her her knees and spoke.

" Busan needs your help. Please give us some support so that the Chinese mafia can't snatch away or home Busan from us. "

"Shanghai based mafia? The Shu clan?"

"Yes. I am the daughter of the Busan's mafia, Kang Taejoon"

"What is your name?"

The girl gave a pause and had a strong eye contact with Taehyung. Seokjin and Yoongi who previously had a talk with Taehyung were observing him and the thing that attracted the whole BTS' reaction was Taehyung being so interested in a girl and a girl this daring.

18 Feb 2023
!Non Edited!

To be continued

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