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It was a bright day. The meeting hall, where King Taehyung convicted the man who raped the girl was filled again in the same way. Note the difference, this time the number of gurads was more.

" Kim's clan's mafia group BTS and Woo's clan's mafia group EXO has mutually decided that the fight will be in the Red Sand City." The head guard spoke the information.

" King, this Red Sand City is the conflict City. Its half part comes under the Kim's clan and half part comes under the Woo's clan." Hoseok spoke.

" What conflict? " Taehyung asked.

" King, both the clan's grandfather came to a mutual agreement that since the area is conflicting, half of it will be under Kim's clan and the remaining half will be under Woo's clan." Seokjin answered.

" So?"

" Our fathers wanted the whole area under them since it is an important area for the storage of medicinal drugs, weapons and can provide a good training camp. Because of this, they fought for it." Yoongi commented.

" Okay then. Along with Guro, Gangseo, Yeongdeungpo, Geumcheon, Yangcheon, we will take over the Red Sand City as well. Is this clear?"

" Yes King. Now we just have to decide on the time and mode for our departure and the weapons and the immediate drugs that we need." Jungkook spoke.

" The weapon specialists Kim Seokjin and Jung Hoseok, prepare the best weapons. The information about the rules and the fight and all necessary details will be provided to you by Kim Namjoon. Min Yoongi, once the weapons are made, make sure that the slow poison is applied to the top of each bullet and dagger. Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin, how much time do we need for the inspection of the fight area?"

" King according to our calculation, the area is quite big. So we need about 10 hours for the inspection." Jimin replied.

" Okay then. The fight has been scheduled for the day after tomorrow.
Keeping this in mind, we will leave at 9 today at night. Our men will reach by road and we 7 will depart from the private plane. Just-" Taehyung was cut off by Namjoon.

" The routes and the roads are very safe for our men as EXO is very principle oriented" Namjoon spoke with a smile and Taehyung nodded.

"One last thing. Everyone should make sure that everyone is well trained and aware. Give your best shot!" Taehyung spoke.

Everyone bowed in respect and Taehyung left followed by the others. All the men went to prepare.


On the other corner of South Korea, in Busan, a girl, who's looks are not the one typical koreans have is sitting in her room. Wearing a beautiful floor length skirt and an off shoulder top, she is leaning on her bed and smiling while talking to her friend.

" Y/n, it's your time to shine now. Okay tell me what kind of a boy or a man do you want?" Her friend asks making y/n smile ear to ear.

" Hari, I want a man who heals me and I heal him. The one who loves me more than yesterday but less than tomorrow and I do the same. The one who is willing to cross all boundaries just to love me. We have a mutual understanding that we understand the unspoken words of each other. I want a live that is magical and euphoric. We talk, make love to each other, raise our kids together. I don't want him to be rich or something like that. I want to love him and want him to live me too the fullest irrespective of the materialistic things we have." Y/n spoke.

" Y/n, by the way you spoke about kids. Do you still want to become a mother to 5 cute munchkins?" Hari asked y/n.

" Yup! I do." Y/n spoke with a bright smile and sparkling eyes.

" What if your husband doesn't want that??"

" I don't know... My inner soul says that the one made for me will have the same opinions like me... Maybe 5 little munchkins are included..."

" Y/n you know right... Many Korean families don't accept the girls who are like a hybrid...I mean a foreigner's blood flow through their veins..."

" I know... And the one who loves me is gonna accept that and love me whole heart-" y/n was cut off by a sudden sound that cane due to opening of the bedroom door.

Y/n looked up and saw her other friend Lisa. Her face was showing fear and tension as if something is going to happen. Not a good one though.

" Lisa...what happened. Is appa okay??" Y/n asked as tension painted her face.

" Y/n...I overheard...them..." This was enough for y/n to get up from the bed, wear her boots and dash off to her father's personal meeting hall.

As soon as she reached there, her father seemed tensed and was sitting on the throne and their men's face were a bit gloomy.

" Appa...what happened? Is everything alright???" She asked as she stepped closer to him.

" It's all fine-"

" Appa, Lisa told me...she overheaed you...please don't lie...I want to be of help..."

" Ok then...you know you are just like your mother...she was also like a coconut...The China based Shu clan has sent us the challenge letter... They want to fight with us for Busan...Our home... They have 4 times more guards than us and their weapons are upgraded too...I-"

"Appa, I am always ready to do anything for our people. The Kim's clan's group... What was their name again.....BTS! Yes BTS. I will ask their help. I vow and take the pledge that nothing will happen to us and our home Busan. I will bring BTS with me for help. Bless me appa"

" God bless you my daughter. You never leave any chance to make me feel proud of you..."

Y/n left the hall and went directly to her room.

7 Feb 2023
!Non edited!

..To be continued..

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