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Y/n started speaking.

"It all started on the day he came back. Mr. Kim ousted me from the house. That night, he came here. To warn me... He said that he would have easily got me killed...He said that Tae snatched his wife from him. He wants to see Tae suffering... He said that he would have killed me, Tae would have cried over my death, he would have felt pain of losing his loved one but ultimately would move on. He said the best way to torture a person is to torture his loved one. He wanted to use me to get back at Tae... This is the reason he is doing this to me.... Anger took the best to me...I said that he is a coward who can't face reality and see the mirror... He got furious and slapped me. I would have attacked him with my daggers but I couldn't do anything... His men held me up... He took a fistful of my hair and said that my one wrong move may result in Haerin eonnie losing her baby and that Tae might suffer more than he already is... For the fact, I knew that he would do nothing to the baby but that what if... Made me scared... What if he actually did something..."

" He wouldn't do anything to our baby. I know this much. He won't do anything to any of our child but Taehyung. His hate for Taehyung is very deep..." Jimin spoke.

" He ordered his men to keep an eye on me and not let me out. I wanted to go out for a walk at night because I felt suffocated but that guard... H-he threatened to rape me. I got scared... I felt... I felt weak in front of them. I could do nothing, because they were around 20 men that surrounded me... Hani eonnie could do nothing as well... Since that day, I didn't go out. It's the first time that I went out today. He deliberately allowed this mission to Tae... "

All the eyes were numb and teary. For a fact, they knew that Mr. Kim is bad but to this extent that he would order his men to rape his own son's wife was beyond their imagination. The girls felt scared and they clutched their husband's arm. Y/n liked at Taehyung and he said that she should tell everything and let it all out.

" The day you all went to mission, he sent his men to kill me and went to Russia. The man had a knife. He would have killed me, if I didn't slit his throat with my dagger. I still remember. I was not in a deep sleep. I felt someone's shadow hover over me, as soon as I opened my eyes, I had to roll to the other side from the assassin. I grabbed the dagger from under the pillow and slit his throat. His other men came in as well. The same man who threatened to rape me, gave me the same warning and took the dead body away. Hani eonnie cleaned the blood. I still have nightmares from that night... I have killed many enemies and they never impacted me the way, he did... Yesterday, I fainted and I don't know after that what happened... Hani eonnie said that I was knocked out for several hours and Tae came at fast as he could. The doctor rajn song tests and told me to do over to confirm my pregnancy.... That day, if I wouldn't have killed that man, we would have died and... And lost our child... I didn't know that I was pregnant.... In all these, eonnie helped me alot... Stuffing his men's mouth with loads of money to keep it shut, Hani eonnie woke Tae at 4 in the morning everyday so that he can go back..."

" Taehyung... Y/n married you out of love and affection... If me and Hoba were at your place... I would have the same thing..." Nabi smiled faintly at them.

" You heard me..." Taehyung spoke faintly to which she gave a slight nod.

Y/n was crying burying her face in Taehyung's chest. His warm hands caressed her back. His face showed anger and worry. He spoke up.

" Seulbi, won't you tell what that mean did to you?"

" Oppa, I-I d-don't t-think it's necessary..." Seulbi replied being scared.

" Bibi, he did something to you? " Jungkook asked with worry.

" Seulbi, speak up. Now or never. Hmm." Yoongi also said.

" That day when he came back from Russia, he held a meeting. He didn't know that our marriage was a love marriage. So, he happily accepted me in the living room. In the meeting room, he still didn't know that it was a love marriage. I thought we were safe but just then y/n eonnie said the truth. Kookoo and me had to stand beside them. I felt angry at eonnie but then it wasn't her fault as well. Y/n eonnie didn't know that she is supposed to hide that from him. Also, she had to save her love. I understood that. He gave us a punishment and said that he would accept our relationship then. He ordered Kookoo to survive in the basement without food for straight 2 weeks and I had to work as a maid. We thought that he would accept us. In front of everyone he said nothing about me meeting Kookoo. He paid the maids to insult me, call me names, call our relationship as a lie. I beared it all. I didn't know this. After about 3 days or so-"

" How did you manage there? You've never done such things Bibi" Jungkook spoke.

" After about 3 days or so... The picture came clear in my head. I wanted to feed Kookoo something so that at least he had some energy. But, my bad luck, a man of his caught me. He sent another man to abeoji. When that man came back, he hit me with a stick many times. My hands and stomach area was bleeding. I had no energy left. I didn't understand what happened. I kept on protesting but nothing worked...."

Her next words were enough for herself to break down.

26 Feb 2023
! Non edited!

To be continued...

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