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   Luo Zhen's guess is not unreasonable.

With Zhou Ruguang's personality, even if Zhou Ruhong had concealed the fact that Ning Rou's mother was still alive, it would not be strange.

Ning Rou's heart was beating fast, and she suddenly remembered another thing.

"Ah Luo, I remember that Aunt Hong once had a quarrel with the lab staff. Aunt Hong scolded them all the time and said they killed my mother." "If mother didn't die, then Aunt

Hong must have been cheated too!"

A sentence contains too much information.

Luo Zhen frowned slightly, his expression changed slightly.

"You mean, Zhou Ruhong thinks that your mother's death is related to those five people?"

Ning Rou replied in the affirmative.

"They had a lot of quarrel that time. Aunt Hong lost her temper and broke a lot of medicine bottles.

" These."

It has been too long, and now when I think about it again, there is only a blurry picture left.

Xu thought of the experience that day, Ning Rou subconsciously leaned into Luo Zhen's arms.

"If I had been braver at that time, maybe I could have provided you with more useful information now." The

regretful and guilty tone made Luo Zhen's heart ache.

When she spoke again, her tone was much gentler.

"Don't blame yourself, even if you don't say anything, no one will blame you."

"What's more, you have helped us a lot."

Ning Rou frowned slightly, her expression finally relaxed.

"Thank you, Arlo~"

"But, I still want to help you more and more, just like you helped me."

Love is mutual.

When you love someone, you naturally want to pay for her.

Ning Rou is no exception.

She also wanted to do something for Logan.

"Ah Luo, what else do you want to know?"

In this world, no one knows what happened in the laboratory better than Ning Rou.

Luo Zhen's heart was slightly shaken.

In order to find out the truth sooner, she had to speak and ask.

"There are five people in the laboratory, do you still remember what they looked like?"

How could Ning Rou not remember them after being together day and night for many years?

Without any hesitation, she nodded.

"I remember."

Luo Zhen's heart tightened suddenly, and he was silent for a few seconds before continuing to speak.

"Can you recognize someone?"

If it wasn't necessary, she would never ask Ning Rou for help.

Ning Rou nodded again and smiled lightly.


Of the five people back then, only four can be found now, and three of them died and one went crazy.

No matter how you think about it, it's very strange.

On the computer screen was a picture of a woman.

Ning Rou recognized it at a glance.

"This is Jian Xue."

She did not admit her mistake, it was indeed Jian Xue.

Seeing this, Luo Zhen clicked on the mouse with his fingertips, and brought out the remaining three photos.

Ning Rou read out the names of the three in turn, all of them were correct.

It seems that these four people participated in the experiment that year.

Luo Zhen closed the computer and whispered the current situation of the four of them.

"I did an investigation before I came here. Except for Jian Xue, all of these four people died in accidents a few years ago."

"Jian Xue herself was also locked up in a mental hospital because of illness. In other words, she was crazy. "

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be those six companies who want to kill people."

"Rourou, do you still have any impression of the fifth person in the laboratory?" The

fifth person?

Ning Rou froze for a moment, a man's face soon appeared in her mind.

Before Luo Zhen could react, two words rang in his ears.


"His name is Lize?"

"Well, Lize, his name is Lize. I remember everyone called him Brother Ze. He is left-handed and likes to use his left hand no matter what he does. When he gave me an injection , and always use his left hand, by the way, he is the first person out of the five to appear, he was already in the laboratory before I became an adult."

According to Ning Rou's words, some information related to the fifth person can be vaguely obtained Information——

Lize, male, left-handed, about forty years old.

Luo Zhen nodded, stretched out his hand to hold Ning Rou's hand, and the two returned to the bed.

"Thank you."

"The information you provided is really useful."

"When I return to Fenghe County tomorrow, I should be able to ask Jian Xue what happened that year and whether your mother is still alive. "


Ning Rou was startled when she heard the sound, apparently she didn't expect Luo Zhen to stay at home for only one night.

"Are you going to leave tomorrow?"

Hearing the reluctance in these words, Luo Zhen couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

It was not easy to go back to Yuanxiang once, but in the end, he only stayed for one night and had to leave.

The more I think about it, the more I feel sorry for Ning Rou, and I'm sorry for the baby.



"When these things are settled, we will never be separated again."

"I promise you, okay?"

Ning Rou couldn't help hearing the gentle promise full of love. His face turned red, and his heart became crisp and soft.

She shook her head and explained softly.

"Don't apologize."

"I'm not angry."

"It's just that I'm reluctant."

Before she finished speaking, she moved forward, put her lips on Luo Zhen's lips, and pressed them lightly.

The two lingered in the study for a while before returning to the room.

Early the next morning, Luo Zhen was still sending his daughter to school.

During breakfast, she took the initiative to tell the other party that she was leaving today.

Unexpectedly, Baby Ning quickly accepted this fact.

"Mommy is going to work, I will be obedient at home."

Such a sensible child, the more one looks at it, the more reluctant it is.

It's a pity that no matter how reluctant to give up, we still have to usher in parting after all.

After sending off Baby Ning, Luo Zhen hurried to the airport in the city.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, people finally rushed back to Fenghe County.

And Zheng Bang also received five evaluation reports.

Because there is only one video, the test results may not be 100% accurate. Luo Zhen asked five psychiatric experts to evaluate in advance, and the results were very consistent. The five people all judged that Jian Xue's behavior, language, or way of thinking , are very logical and do not belong to the scope of mental abnormalities.

Luo Zhen came to the hospital again with five reports.

Only this time, Jian Xue refused to meet.

Luo Zhen had expected this result a long time ago, so he didn't find it strange.

"Her mother's illness, there is a new situation, I want to explain to her personally."

"If she still refuses to see me, I will leave." The

nurse truthfully relayed this sentence to Jian Xue in the room.

Sure enough, Jian Xue still appeared.

The gazebo in the yard was empty.

Luo Zhen stood in the middle of the gazebo, staring straight at the short-haired woman in front of her with a pair of cold eyes, and did not speak for a long time.

On the contrary, it was Jian Xue who was a little guilty by this gaze.

Xu was worried about the old lady's illness, and her tone was very irritable.

"What's wrong with my mother? Wasn't she fine yesterday?!"

Luo Zhen replied, still calm.

"Your mother is fine."

Jian Xue knew that she had been cheated when she heard this sentence.

"You lied to me?!"

Luo Zhen saw the flash of sullenness between her brows, and her eyes became colder.

"I don't say that, why did you meet me?"

Jian Xue's expression suddenly turned ugly.

She didn't want to say a word about the medical institution.

She wasn't going to argue with Luo Zhen, she turned around and was about to leave.

It's a pity that before she could take a step, a cold voice came from behind her, and with just one sentence, she stopped in her tracks.

"If people like Zhou Ruguang know that you are pretending to be crazy, tell me, what will happen to you?" Pretending to be


Jian Xue's heart beat faster when she heard these two words.

She turned around, her lips moved, but she couldn't say a word.

Luo Zhen saw her reaction in his eyes, and directly took out the five evaluation results from his bag.

"Otherwise, you can read it yourself?"

Jian Xue reached out to take the report, and her cheeks turned pale with just one glance.

"You actually secretly recorded the video call between me and my mother?!"

Luo Zhen looked calm and did not deny it.


Jian Xue's body trembled uncontrollably.

Both hands also unconsciously clenched into fists.

"Who are you?"

"What do you want?"

She finally admitted.

Admit to being crazy.

Logan wasn't surprised at all.

"I want you to tell me what happened back then."

"What happened to Zhou Ruguang and Ning Rou's mother, how did Ning Rou's mother die, why did the six companies hunt you down, and - your colleagues, Where is Li Ze now?"

Jian Xue didn't want to say.

For her, these things are secrets that have been hidden in her heart for more than ten years.

She didn't let go, instead of looking into the distance, she used silence to resist Luozhen's pressing questions.

Luo Zhen came here today, so he was quite sure that Jian Xue would let go.

Jian Xue's mother, Jian Xue's brother, these are Jian Xue's weaknesses.

"You still refuse to say?"

"Your mother is fine now."

"But I can't guarantee that she will be fine in the future."

"An old man who lives alone, even if he dies at home, no one will think it strange?"

"After all , even your brother's death, no one has discovered that there is another hidden story behind it."

The threat in this sentence is too heavy.

Jian Xue is in this world, the only thing she can't let go of is her mother.

Of course, Luo Zhen couldn't really kill someone, but he had to say this.

Just as she guessed, Jian Xue was instantly irritated.

"You use my mother to threaten me?"

"If you want revenge, you can find me. My mother doesn't know anything! She is innocent!" Hearing this

, Luo Zhen couldn't help but sneer.


"Then when you imprisoned Ning Rou and experimented with Ning Rou, did you ever think that she is innocent?"

"Have you ever sympathized with her?"

Jian Xue felt her feet unconscious when she heard this question. stepped back.

It wasn't until she calmed down a little that she shook her head and tried her best to refute.

"It's not the same, it's not the same at all."

"Ning Rou was for us to study from birth."

"Her mother couldn't conceive at all, and if it wasn't for Zhou Ruguang, she wouldn't have come into this world."

"It was Zhou Ruguang who gave Ning Chun the chance to conceive. It was Zhou Ruguang who created Ning Rou. The reason why she was born was for us to study."

Ning Chun?

It turned out that Ning Rou's mother was named Ning Chun.

Luo Zhen's red lips were tightly pursed, and without waiting for her to speak, Jian Xue said everything -

"I don't know much about Zhou Ruguang and Ning Chun."

"When I entered the laboratory, Ning Rou had already As an adult, all I know is that Ning Chun's sex chromosomes are different from normal people, she can not only give birth to men, but also give birth to women."

"Her constitution is very special, but it is difficult for her to conceive, in terms of probability She said that her chances of conceiving are almost zero, and if Zhou Ruguang hadn't developed progesterone, she would never have a child in this life."

"Ning Chun is too difficult to conceive, and most of the body's indicators do not meet the requirements of the experiment, so Zhou Ruguang created Ning Rou."

"Compared to Ning Chun, Ning Rou is much more perfect. She not only inherited Ning Chun's special genes, but also has a higher chance of conceiving than Ning Chun. Zhou Ruguang told us that she has been pregnant since she was born. It is destined to be an experimental product for research."

Ning Chun's mother was unable to conceive, and it was the progestin that made her conceive Ning Rou.

In the eyes of these people, Ning Rou is an experiment 'created' by Zhou Ruguang -

even though she has life, breath, and thoughts.

Luo Zhen could guess how hard Ning Rou had been in those 24 years, but she never thought that those people would treat Ning Rou that way.

She couldn't help feeling sorry for Ning Rou.

The pain in the heart spread, and quietly, it turned into anger and hatred.

Even though he was hurt by Luo Zhenting and Pei Yi at the beginning, Luo Zhen was not as angry as he is now.

Still rational, she had no choice but to suppress her anger and pretend to be calm.

"Ning Rou's mother, is she still alive?"

Luo Zhen concealed it too well, Jian Xue didn't notice her emotional change, and continued talking.

"After Ning Rou was born, Ning Chun's health became very poor."

"Shortly after Ning Rou became an adult, she needed an operation. Since it is an operation, there is naturally a risk."

"Ning Chun is very lucky, the operation was successful. Everyone in the laboratory knew about this, only Zhou Ruhong was kept in the dark."

"If Zhou Ruguang deliberately concealed it, she would never know the truth—so, Ning Rou's mother was not dead at all."

Author I have something to say: Rourou is indeed the daughter of the scumbag,

thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2021-10-21 12:53:07~2021-10-23 02:07:29 Oh~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 3060282, job number 5076 1;

thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: mjmk 1;

thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Liu Jia 26 bottles; Yijie Baiding 20 bottles; hahahaha What are you laughing at? 10 bottles; I like kittens 5 bottles; An Wanla 2 bottles;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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